having like air/bubbling feeling in throat?

on 12/9/06 9:38 am - Niagara Falls, NY
I had surgery Nov 14th. For the past week I have been having this feeling; not painful; but it's always there; like I wonder if it's a new acid reflux or something like that. I still do take my prevacid every morning; opening the capsule of coarse; which I can't stand the taste of the inside of it. I left a message for my dietician to call me on Thursday and still no call back yet. Has anyone else experienced this before?
on 12/10/06 4:11 am - Ridge, NY
could u be having foamies???? i know for me i had that early on after eating i would up some foamie bubbley looking stuff
on 12/10/06 5:39 am - Niagara Falls, NY
I know I emailed you back; but I will try to explain more. It's like air pockets girgling, popping traveling up trickling against my throat. It's there pretty much all the time. It has nothing to do with, only when eating. I met Kelly at a support group and I spoke with her on the phone this past week and she said the same thing; asked if I had foamies or I could be eating too fast. I know at times I am rushed and do eat too fast, but this feeling is constant. I started taking papya enzymes, thinking maybe I need help with the digestion of my food. I have not started to notice a difference just yet, too early to say. Well, I will be calling the hospital again tomorrow and see what anyone has to say if my dietician is not available again. I want this to go away! Thanx for your help.
on 12/10/06 5:58 am - Ridge, NY
VERY HARD, i hope you get a call back from someone in the surgeons office. I was and still am horrible with eating slow and chewing well. I had lots of foamies. NOT sure if thats what your having. I wasnt on prevacid till almost a year out when I learned i had an ulcer, i had to do 3 months of nexium. DO u use tums ? perhaps use them thru your day being u think this is antiacid related. I was on tums my first months post op..... good luck and i hope u feel well soon! EMAIL me anytime! I promise you things will get easier for you!
on 12/10/06 6:14 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Bren: Although I am not positive what this is, I can say it was normal for me early on while the healing began to have girgles, bubbles and weird sensations in my pouch/throat, before during and after eating. Think that for 2 wk I was on liquids because the pouch is so small, tender and irritated from the cutting & stapling etc. Things need to be small enough to fit thru a straw or size of a pencil, now if the stoma is developing a stricture it may be causing a back up into your esophogus, anyvomiting? I dont think papya is really necessary or helpfulbut probably not harmful, we have the bypass for malabsorbtion, so dont enhance digestion hope that makes sense... For a yr I had this wierd loud stomach noise that all I can say was like when your tummy preop growls, how strange but it stopped (I often thought my 1pm patient always must of thought I never ate lunch!) but check w your surgeon there could be an issue. HUGS Take Care, Jamie 100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY 320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/jamiecatlady5/ "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 12/11/06 4:54 am - Niagara Falls, NY
I just got off the phone with my dietician. She was asking me if I am taking in too much air while eating or drinking. I said, I could be; how does one know for sure? So, I told her this is with me pretty much all of the time, I don't need to be eating or drinking. She put me on hold and went to speak with my nurse practitioner; she said, but did not want to say for sure until she sees me next week for my 1 month followup, that I may have some "tightning" going on; but even if that is, what it is; nothing can be done about it until I'm 3 months out. So, I did not ask, but I think that is what you are saying about strictures. I also was told that they are going to give me a script for some new kind of soft gel tab to replace my prevacid; because I did speak of how nasty those little pellets taste from needing to open the capsules every day. Ok, I'm still enjoying my food; so I will let you know what happens next week. Thank you Jamie. Oh, today I am down 29lbs from surgery; from the 14th of November. I have lost now 50lbs since the beginning of the diet to now. I need to do some updating and work on my site; been slacking with that. Thanx again.
on 12/11/06 5:06 am - Niagara Falls, NY
I forgot to say; no throwing up has occured with this problem. I have only done that on Thanksgiving which was soooooo painful. I was fine with my pureed meal at 2:30pm and at 8:30pm I was hungry again, so I just had some mashed potatos and gravy; well I saw that bird laying there and plucked a piece of meat from it and I thought I chewed real good, (mind you, I'm not suppose to be eating whole foods and knew this, but that little voice kept saying "you feel the same, you're not a different person, go ahead try that turkey") well, within minutes extreme chest pain; I was pacing the floors; (I fight not to throw up, always was like that) well from 8:30pm till 11pm I threw up 4x's. I did liquids for the next day to heal myself. I won't be testing my self with sugar for a long time, since I already experienced the painful feeling of throwing up!!!! LOL!!!
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