Jude Milner to be on TV
Our November Speaker-Jude Milner to be on the Today Show
Please read the post I just received from Jude Milner
Set Your TIVO, VCR or Direct TV:
Jude Milner will be appearing on NBC's Today Show
Thursday, December 14th
Between the 8am - 9am hour
Sorry, can't be more specific at this time!
Jude will be discussing her book, Fat Free: The Amazing All True Adventures of Supersize Woman and her practice, Fitness Therapy.
Thank you for your continued support.
PS: Our practice is moving its home base as of January 1, 2007.
Our new address will be 123 West 79th Street, Second Floor, New York, NY 10024. We will be sending complete updates soon.
November 20, 2006 Monthly Support Meeting
Queens Metro Surgical Weight Loss Support Group
The Food is gone now what?
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday November 20, 2006 at 7:15pm and we are going to have Jude Milner, MA, LCSW, CPT speak to our group about cross addictions
About Jude Milner, MA, LCSW, CPT
Jude Milner is the founder of Fitness Therapy?, an innovative program that combines psychotherapy and exercise. Jude's focus is to help client's reintegrate back into their bodies by building muscle awareness and positive emotional and physical health. She is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and a certified
personal fitness trainer, who has had gastric bypass surgery. She works with weight loss surgery patients' pre and post operatively to insure optimal emotional and physical results. Jude is a frequent speaker at professional conferences and patient seminars and workshops. She has appeared on national television, and print media. She is the obesity and Weight Loss Surgery board member of The Center for the Study of Anorexia and Bulimia and is on the advisory board of the national publication WLS Lifestyles.
Jude practices both traditional psychotherapy and Fitness Therapy in New York City.
About The Book
Fat Free: Amazing All-True Adventures of Super size Woman (a Tarcher/Penguin paperback; $10.95; September 7, 2006) is the inspirational true story - illustrated by Mary Wilshire - of how Jude Milner tackled taunts of "I don't want her, you can have her, she's too fat for me"; lost over 200 pounds; and replaced self-loathing with self-confidence. With humor and honesty (and never self-pity), Fat Free illustrates Jude's journeys through a candy-coated childhood, "Fat is Beautiful" activism, ******** personas, and gastric bypass surgery.
917-225-2751◘ [email protected] ◘ visit her web site at www.fitnesstherapy.com
The meeting location is:
C.A.P. 163-59 17TH Avenue
Whitestone, NY 11357
Walk down the ramp
There is ample street parking and easy access from Manhattan via
express bus or the Queens Transit Line.
Bring snacks if you want.
[email protected]