Thank you all for the prayers!!!
Mom is doing very well. She was in a lot of pain in the morning hours after the surgery, but once the pain meds kicked in she was doing much much better. They got her up last night to walk and she said she was sitting in the chair for a while, was feeling fairly good. Dr. said that it looked liked he got it all out. The tumor was about the size of the tip of his thumb and was encased in the uterus. But just as a routine measure he sent in biopsies of her lymph nodes just to make sure they were ok.
Dad on the other hand had to be brought in the emergency room because of more swelling this time in his feet, just as precaution the Dr. said to bring him in in case of more blood clots, but all was fairly ok. They determined that it was caused from very low protein and albumen levels. He is not eating well at all, and has been throwing up for the better part of the week previous to yesterday. So I tried to pump him with some protein last night. Gonna make him some protein pudding, not just his regular pudding, that seems to go down ok and not make him sicky feeling.
I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and love sent our way. I so much appreciate the time you all have taken to wish us well.
Thank you and have a lovely day,
Time to get ready and head down to the hospital to visit,
Shannon Arnold