insurance co. stink!
Tavia V
on 12/5/06 5:45 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/5/06 5:45 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Guys,
I have been on and off the phone w/my insurance company all day today. They just make no sense at all. They say they will pay 90% of the surgery and surgeons fee to have the PICC line placed in (which is a semi-permanent IV line but goes all the way up the vein into an artery in the heart) but wont cover any of the cost of the TPN (which is IV calories/vitamins/nourishment) or the machine that the TPN has to run through. Both are very expensive if you had to pay out of pocket and there is no way I can do that.
To sum up their claim on why they dont want to pay is my weight is now just in the 'underweight' category and my albumin/bilirubin levels aren't severely low enough(think walking dead), therefore I am 'fine'. All of my doctors faxed over letters stating they think its medically necessary and the insurance company "doctor" say its not. Of course he will say whatever the insurance company tells him to say b/c they are paying his salary. Just stupid.
It just makes no sense they will pay for me to have a semi-permanent IV placed in but not the stuff that goes in the IV. Its like I'll walk around with an IV in me but nothing to put in it, like 'hello look at my lovely PICC line that I can do nothing with!" Makes no sense.
I think they are doing this so this fight can go over to the next year and then that deductible I have to pay goes into affect. Then its like "oops sorry now you are responsible for everything!" Dumb buttheads.
Thanks for letting me rant! Love you guys.

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/06 6:05 am - MT
on 12/5/06 6:05 am - MT
It really is all BS!!! they do whatever it takes to NOT pay for something but yet how much money do we pay INTO The system!
Why not get more people to catch the people that are committing insurance fraud so they can help the one that really need it!!!
Ok Tavia this is just for YOU!
OK now I have to catch my breath..

Debra P

Hi Tavia,
I agree --it stinks! Insurance companies are the pits! You need to expose them for what they are--Have you considered contacting the Media--maybe or a congressman or senator??? It may not help --but then again it may!
I am always praying for you--keep on keepin' on girl!
Be Blessed,
Marian S C
242.4/148/goal 125-130???

Oh man!!! This soooo sucks! I agree - makes no sense at all. I bet you're right about them postponing until they can squeeze a deductible out of you again, too!!
I'm tempted to call Help Me Howard or Shame On You on your behalf...this is absurd!
Keep on ranting/sharing...we're all pulling for you!
Mary Mc