loking for a friend

on 12/4/06 4:47 am - port byron, NY
my name is ils i live in port byron ny i live with my husband robert who stood by and still doest to this day i had my surgery 9/30/05 wood love to hear from other to share their story
(deactivated member)
on 12/4/06 5:43 am - MT
Ila, Hello hun I had my surgery 6/6/05 and down 135 lbs, almost to my own goal and met my surgoens about 3 weeks ago. It is great that you have a supportive husband, it really helps so much. Please let us know how much you have lost? Debra P
Angie T.
on 12/4/06 9:39 am - Somewhere, NY
Hi, I too have a real supportive hubby, it really helps. I was banded 11/1 and lost 20 lbs, most of which came off the first 3 weeks, I've stayed the same since. I go tomorrow for my first fill and hope to have restriction, because at this point I could just about eat anything.
on 12/4/06 11:53 am - Bronx, NY
Hi, I am so happy to have read this, I am also looking for someone to befriend and tell me there experience with the band. I am getting my first consultation on december 29th and am so glad that i made the decision after over a year of looking. I was looking into the Duo but chose to do the banding instead. call me crazy but i feel that losing weight slowy will be better off for my body so i can work out and get everything back in shape while im losing the weight slowly instead of quickly. I would love to hear about your experiences if you wouldnt mind telling which im sure would be the millionth time.
on 12/5/06 4:37 am - port byron, NY
hi ididnt have the band i went for the rny as thought it would be better for me but i can share with you yhat my sister had the band she did good for a long time but she has gian some fo her weight back she working out to get it off she has lost 30 pound i wish you the best every one is diferent i try to help her out by leting her know i care about her and she doest the same for me nice to have some one on your side i know you will do good let me know how you make out Ila
on 12/4/06 11:53 am - port byron, NY
hi i was reading yourprofile and you are right about being in remission and no recovery as we have to work at it daily and for the rest of our live to answer you i have lost 104 lb still loseing little by little ikon maybe i could of lost more by now it hard for me to do much and i keep saying i am not gaining so that a good thing i walk as much as i can as long as my knee dont act up i am so working on my goal to get down to 150 with out my clothe i weight 159 with clothe on 164 my goal is 150 just to let you know that i am new at a computer frist time in my life hope to hear from you soon Ila
on 12/4/06 8:14 pm - Ridge, NY
HI ILA, welcome to the NY forums!!!!! THERE are great people here just got to meet a few this weekend when one great member lisamarie put together a get together it was great! as for my storey had the surgery june 1, 2005 and i lost 143 lbs. I am very happy with my weight loss and choice to have surgery. This was my last resort to loose weight and it worked. Look forward to getting to know you thru your posts.
on 12/5/06 4:53 am - port byron, NY
hi having the surgery was my last restort too i tell my husbsnd that allthe time i am not sorry to have it done i am down 162 lbs now i olud like to get down to 150albs that my goal but i am happy how far i came i look forward to hear from you again ila
on 12/5/06 7:37 am - Bronx, NY
So everyone here had rny ??? i was thinking more lap than anything else. i want whats best for me and my health. i understand alot of ppl gain the weight back when they have the lap done... but I ask why?? and how??? as well with the rny why do people gain the weight back? it baffles me... but im not in there shoes so i dont know .. but i still wonder why.
on 12/5/06 10:27 am - port byron, NY
hi iam glad that you are haveing the lap i am behind you as i said every one is diferent what matter is feling better afward an d it true even with the rny people gain weight back my brother did and it made him sick all the time and the reason was because he did not follow his diet eat what ever he wanted and i ask my doctor why people put the weight back on he said the same thing and they eat more it could even happen to me i can only go one day at a time and work at it daily with the good lord help i will be find i have to work at it just like my sister she working onit for give me if i spoke out of line ILa
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