Prayers for Mom and Dad

shannon arnold
on 12/3/06 10:34 pm - Coopers Plains, NY
Hi all, Just coming in to get as many prayers out there for my Mom, she had her RNY Sept.1, and tomorrow she is having a complete historectomy, she found out a few weeks ago that she has uterine cancer in stage one so hopfully they get it all out tomorrow and pray that she doesnt have to go through chemo and radiation. Also she has been very busy with Dad with his cancer progressing very quickly, so they are both pretty exhausted, Dad was in the hospital tues-thurs last week with blood clots between his heart and shoulder. I am praying that he makes it through Christmas. He is very weak and unstable on his feet. We have several people to be there with him while Mom is in the hospital. I can't be both places at once. Plus I still have to work in between all this going on. So if you all don't see me much that is why. I am also trying to arrange to go into business for myself in a little building just down the street from home, gonna try to do part time there till I get some clientele built up, and work the rest of the time at the place I am at now. Then at the right time would like to completely be on my own. Not great timing for this to happen right now, but the place just opened up for rent and will probably go very quickly so I have to jump on it. I know my parents support me on this, they have always said I should do it on my own. My Dad will be soooo proud, and I would love for this to happen while he can still be here with me to see it through. God bless you all, Have a wonderful Holiday season, I will try to get on as much as possilbe to get caught up, Keep up the good healthy eating during the holidays!!! Love ya all, Shannon Arnold
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/06 11:27 pm - MT
Shannon, Hun I will keep you ALL in my thoughts and prayers! I know this is a hard time for you all but know we are here for you Call if you want hun! Debra P
Lori G.
on 12/4/06 12:42 am - Troy, NY
Shannon, First of all, my prayers, love and hugs go out to you. I know what you are going through and it is not easy. I will certainly keep both your Mom and Dad in my prayers while they are going through all of this. I just want to give you a ray of hope, I recently had a very dear friend go through the same issue as your Mom... She was also stage one, they did the hysterectomy... NO Chemo.. NO Radiation... If the cancer is contained she should be free from either... I hope this bit of news eases your worry some. I have seen prayer work in my life in so many ways. Keep your faith alive and he will be there for you.... I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Love & Hugs... Lori
on 12/4/06 1:06 am - new york, NY
Shannon i am so sorry you are dealing with such hard issues, espically around the holidays, makes it even tougher. They caught the cancer early so the outlook should be very good. I will keep you all in my prayers during this tough time. Cancer is an evil evil me i know all about it ... the good thing is medicine is advancing and the treatments are so good these days. Keep your chin up, think positive and try to enjoy every day of life as if it was your last for yourself and with your loved ones. I do have to add you look amazing. I have not seen you in so long and your picture looks beautiful. Stay strong and postiive. LisaMarie
on 12/4/06 3:14 am
Shannon, What a tough time for you and your family. I hope it all works out ok for your mom. I live about 50 miles from Campbell I think. Is that near Corning? What type of store are you opening? I always wanted to do something like that but had no idea on what type of store. I did a lot of investigating on opening a local grocery store with a friend, hired a lawyer to help (was in foreclosure) but it never happened. I felt afterwards that it was meant to be. No we are in rental business. Closing on another duplex tommorrow so I do keep busy occasionally(cleaning after renters leave, general maintenance, tax records etc). Good luck with your venture!! How do I add you to my friends list? Kathy
on 12/4/06 3:35 am - Ridge, NY
LOTS of prayers during a rough time. all the best in your new business ventures as well. YOU have alot going on good luck! hugs
on 12/4/06 4:22 am - NY
You and your family will be in my prayers. Wishing you all well.
Maryellen R.
on 12/4/06 4:49 am - Sayville, NY
Hiya Shannon, So sorry to hear this news. I hope your parents both get better and that 2007 is filled with nothing but love, joy and good health for you and us all! Maryellen
Michelle U.
on 12/4/06 9:19 pm - Corning, NY
Shannon, I think of you will definitley be in my thoughts now as well as your mom and dad. I pray for a peaceful holiday for you and your family. Email me if you want to take 15 minute break and go get a coffee. It was great running in to you at the tire store!! You look awsome!! As for opening your own business...that is amazing and I wish yu every success with that!! Hugs, Michelle
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/06 12:05 am - Basom, NY
Shannon, I am adding you all to my prayers. God be with you all. Best Wishes, Betsy
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