""Where is everyone??"
Hi Lisa Marie,
Glad to read that the party went so well!!! Maybe I'll be able to make the next gathering. I'll be "retired" at the end of January and only working part time on weekend at a new job after that (I actually begin on Dec. 11)... so I'll have more free time for socializing. It's a long drive from just south of Albany, But I'll try hard to make the next one. If not then, then maybe something this summer...
Happy Holidays to you and your family and to everyone else on the boards!!!
Finally settle down ,slept
till noon .Went shopping for christmas decoriation for my terrace ,shop for new scrubs for tomorrow(didn't feel like doing laundry).Got back at 6p put up some decoration.And now on the site
.Thank had a good time last night
. Never got to see the tree,couldn't find parking space
(to cheap to put the car in parking garage)
See ya later