No date yet, still working on my 10% (15 lbs to go) and my clearances. I have to go for my consult for my sleep study next week and I will have it done before the end of the month. I see my PCP on Wednesday and he said he would have my clearance before I see the nutritionist again. The only thing that I am hoping is that my psych eval will get moved up. She had no openings before 1/19 but put me on the cancellation list. I am working hard, but want everything yesterday.

Janet! Hi!
Angel as u know is Someone who befriends a surgery patient and gives them extra attention while they are in the hospital and reports back to any mailing list they are on about how they are doing........this is done differently based on group, I haven't seen this board have an angel coordinator (one who sets people up and keeps list of angels for angellettes etc) a good idea here if we decide this but thats another post..
This is the info an angel needs usually Your:
Phone number:
Cell Phone:
Contact person name and phone #:
Date of Surgery:
Time of surgery:
Hospital address if you have it.
This way they can support you preop/postop and usually longterm connections are built! Some angels send cards, call etc or even stop by. I have done this and found it helpful for myself as well and even done it longdistance, but those angels I got to meet locally were even extra special! (like Amy, although I didn;t meet her immediately postop..when I did I so loved it!) AMY
will be an awesome angel for you! (*YOU ARE SO LUCKY!*)
If you need anything u can also email me! (no shoves only gentle loving nudges ok!) Support group is a good place to be as often as possible! I attended weekly for 3mo preop and weekly postop for a yr w/o fail! It is so helpful!
Take Care,
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163 (lowest)/174 (current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Thanks Jamie,
I am grateful to Amy for volunteering. I went to support group for the first time last week and it was really great. I felt so motivated after I left there and thats what I need. I am looking forward to going this Thursday again and plan to continue going as often as possible. I hope to meet you there soon!