Been awhile!
Hello everyone. I havent posted in a LONG time. My life has been kind of crazy the last few months. On a positive note, I have joined the 100 club. Need to know how to get one of those cards or whatever in my profile. Im down to 128 pounds from 235, size 6 pants/small shirt. I have to say though that im getting a little worried. When does the losing stop?? Never thought I would ask that question, but people are saying to me "you look great now but dont lose anymore!" I dont want to start looking sick or get too skinny. This is probably my "normal" size if I were to go back to highschool. And i can actually say im happy with my size as it is now, but it seems like the more I eat, the more I lose. I still have 4 months to go before I reach 1 yr. and from everything ive read, you lose up to one year. If that is the case, im kind of worried that i will look too skinny if you can believe that. Again not something I ever thought I would say! The comments coming to me now are more like "worry" than know things like "omg you are so skinny". I realize that this is somewhat of a shock to people considering how i looked for the past 10 yrs but geez. On a brighter note, the men seem to be coming out of no where lol! That part i am enjoying immensely especially the ones who barely spoke to me before all this! Those I dont give a passing thought to! I figure if they couldnt have the decency to socialize with me because i was fat, they dont deserve my attention now. Anyway, any suggestions on how to control further weight loss? Hope everyone is doing good.
Take Care
"Those I dont give a passing thought to! I figure if they couldnt have the decency to socialize with me because i was fat, they dont deserve my attention now."
Karen, You are so right about this....remember ....Fat people are discriminated against so bad. People tend to ignore fatter people and think we are disgusting. We are the same as them. I hope you find a way to quit losing...its just not healthy. Good luck Kathy