Holiday Party was GREAT! Pics in profile.

on 12/2/06 10:55 am - new york, NY
I just want to say thank you to everyone that made it to the party. It was a huge success. I enjoyed meeting you all and look forward to getting together with you all again very soon. It was so much fun.. You are all so great and I am very lucky to have you as friends and support. I do have to apoligize to the few that mailed me and couldnt find the room......Again I am so sorry and we will have to get together soon, during the holidays as you suggested and make up for name the time and place and i am there.....I feel terrible about that. Again thank you for a wonderful time.....Hope you all enjoyed meeting each other as much as i enjoyed meeting you.... LisaMarie
on 12/2/06 10:57 am - new york, NY
I also have to add...EVERYONE LOOKED should all feel so proud of yourselves..... LisaMarie
on 12/2/06 1:18 pm - Brooklyn, NY
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Thank you so much for hosting a great party!!!! jenn r
on 12/2/06 7:06 pm - new york, NY
Jenn thank you for comming, i hope you had a good time...IT was great meeting you. LisaMarie
us2bfat C.
on 12/2/06 7:30 pm - selden, NY
no no no no lisamarie thank you for a wonderful party it couldnt have been more perfect .......... you did a wonderful job and i am glad we became friends ....... next stop maybe new years day?? we will see ......... Stacy
on 12/2/06 8:24 pm - NY
I hope to make it to another gathering that you have. Please be well, ANDI
on 12/3/06 12:15 am - NY
I think all of us owe a great debt of gratatude to LisaMarie for actually organizing such a great celebration/party. Kudos to LisaMarie. I'm not sure anyone remembers but I posted back in late September that we should organize a get togeather for all the wonderful NY board people. I did get a many responses but unfortunatly Kenny dropped the ball big time. Good thing I did, because the best I would have come up with was a cup of coffee at StarBucks. So again I think we are all fortunate for LisaMarie's efforts! Dropping the ball was not my worst offense though, I really screwd up the works when, (for reasons not worth sharing), I failed to get my Secret Santa gift to the party. However I do have the gift and I would like to get it in the mail asap so I just need an address which I will get. I was quite disappointed not to make the party and I would still love to meet everyone? I love to ride into the city on the Metro NorthTrain and I am down there often. Happy Holidays Drop The Ball Kenny Kenny
on 12/3/06 1:22 am - Ridge, NY
HEY LISAMARIE....... THANK You for takeing the time to organize a great event. My family enjoyed the outing to the city and we all had a wonderful time. ANYONE who wants to see photes private message me your email address and I will send them! THIS was a wonderful time and would love to do it again with everyone!!!!! hugs! PS: thank you screcret santa for a lovely gift! I will now take time to try the care products and pamper myself some! ITS hard as a mom of 3 to do that but this will give me the idea to do this and soon.
Maryellen R.
on 12/3/06 4:29 am - Sayville, NY
hello, GRAZIE, it was fun to finally meet you and others. Let me know if you guys meet up again. Maryellen
Purple Passion
on 12/3/06 7:41 pm - Little Falls, NJ
Glad you hear that you guys had such a good time. I was so disappointed that I wasn't able to make it. Maybe the next get together. Look forward to seeing some pics! Rachelle
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