Hello. I had my surgery done almost two years ago by Dr. Cole's partner Dr. McKane, and I understand what you are talking about. You will be on clear liquids for the first two weeks, then the dietician will upgrade you to soft and pureed foods, then you will go on the solid foods, where she will explain the proteins to you more. They will not start you on the proteins right away, till like the third to fourth week. You can add the protein powder, the nonflavored, to like your juices starting the second week, once you start on the second list, and then you will begin the protein drinks, but not like meats and all that. It will not slow down your weightloss though. If you need anymore help or anything like that, please do not hesitate to contact me. I remember what it was like, and remember how they set up the lists and all.
Hope I was able to help you out a little.
Thanks Sara, I was really confused and I appreciate everybody giving me advice. I think their staff are great. Have you met Dr.Moon yet? He is really nice, he came in and did my dressings and talked to me about medicines. We talked about what area he came from and he took his time in answering my basic questions. What do you know about the differences between Prilosec and Protonics? My insurance has $5 copay on Prilo, $20 on Proto so I chose Prilosec. I have NOT had any problem with heartburn or pain so I assume its working. What would happen if someone were to eat a solid food this early on? Would the stomach pouch get damaged? Just curious. I am anxious to start on mushy foods even though that sounds gross. By Christmas I should be able to sample a few foods at dinner. Take care and thanks. Kathy
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