Are there any docters that offer reduced or free surgury for those with no insurance??
I am trying to find out if there are any docters and hospitals that will do the surgery and only charge you based on what you can afford.
I have no insurance and desperately desire to have this done, I am the mom of 5 boys and am not able to keep up with them anymore now that they are older and do not have the finances to have the surgury done and just pay for it.
I am Long Island Suffolk County New York. if anyone knows of any please let me know
Hi Debbie
From what I have heard from many, most docs will work with you and some of them have financing so that you can have the surgery done and pay it monthly. I know our surgeons have financing. We are in Valhalla, NY and they are the #1 surgeons in the country and have an excellent reputation. If you want mor einfo, just email me and I can fill you in.
I do not personally know of any, I hear the challenge for yourself right now, Lap-band surgeries are typically $17K++++ (we had someone here say $50K? their insurance paid total), RNY typically is $25-50K. The surgeon is one cost, the hospital and postop care is another! Then if there are complications the costs could go into hundreds of thousands..... I have read many going to other countires for less expense (Brazil, Mexico, Spain etc) for WLS as well as Plastic Surgery. I am guessing those are not options either. Do you qualify for Medicaid? Is it possible to get insurance in future? The cost of surgery is just a SMALL fraction of the expense of having WLS, the care that is needed for life postop is quite EXPENSIVE, trips to doctor, copays, labs, suppliments etc, it is not cheap at all to be healthy postop! Not to discourage you at all just wrap your mind around the total picture, the WLS is only the first hurdle in costs...
Look around OH for more info or this link mayhelp... for more asist w/ financing etc.
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"