Side Affect?

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/06 2:00 am - MT
Hello All, ~hugs~ I have a question, since you had the WLS how does the flu or intestinal virus affect you? I know for me it just comes out with the nausea but no vomiting and of course the diarrhea, I know TMI but I find it strange since surgery that my body reacts that way. Also the cold/flu/virus stays around longer (takes me longer to get over it now). Does anyone else have some strange symptoms from getting sick now? Debra P
Tavia V
on 11/29/06 2:26 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Deb, This theory that some people have that after WLS you get viruses longer and harder, IMO, is gobbly goo. How in the world would having most of your stomach and duodenum bypassed make you sicker for longer or make symptoms worse? If ones immune system is not working well to fight off infection b/c you dont eat/drink properly (regardless of if you have WLS or not) then yes you will get sicker easier and for longer(and I'm not say you, just generally speaking.) Are you feeling better though? Take care you.
(deactivated member)
on 11/29/06 5:39 am - MT
Tavia, well I have to say that I get all my water and take all that I need so I am not sure why I have this side affect myself. I am just going on what is happening to me, I know for a fact that when I have a tummy flu I do not throw up just feel the sick feeling but before the surgery I would, if that makes sense? Thanks for the input. feeling a little better so I am happy Debra P
Tavia V
on 11/29/06 5:58 am - Long Island, NY
maybe you have a intestinal bug or something that an antibotic can knock out. Those can linger around forever sometimes. Maybe take a trip to a GI dr to see if anythings going on. Feel better!!
on 11/29/06 5:52 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Deb: I haven't really had the flu in 4 yrs (*yeah flu shot!) but as others mentioned sometimes we can get hit harder due to the GI alteation. Sometimes the flu presents differently in normies any given time. Keep hydratted and rested ok! HUGS! Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 11/29/06 8:35 pm - Ridge, NY
JUST my 2 cents here: as far as colds and coughs and stuff...there i been far healthy post op. I have not had more then simple minor colds and coughs that left me quickly. HOWEVER, i had an ugly bout with a stomach virus last december so bad I had to go see the GASTRO specialist. At that time i was told that becaue of me changed plumbing that a bug like that would most certainly stick around longer. MY new anatomy has less stomach juices to fight the virus off so to linger could be a normal. NOW of course later in the february when more people got the bug i learned last years virus was one that hung around ON EVERYONE weather WLS patient of not so i will wait till the next one to see. I truthfully have no trouble vomitting as a post op and do my share so i dont think with a bug i wont be able to. I think its more the strain!!!! I think your resistance might be lower or alot of stress on you might be causeing the changes in illness that your seeing more so then surgery it self. ITS hard to be certain. THIS is only my expereince and im sure we are all different! JUST like we loose differently... hugs
on 11/30/06 7:30 am - NY
Hi Snookie! I have to tell you i had a stomach virus (24 hour deal) on Tuesday and i was truly laid up. I usually get something the kids bring home all kinds of bugs and stuff and working in a hospital is a breeding ground for germs but this really laid me low for a day and i usually never get sick like that. I'm glad you're feeling better. ANDI
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