Whats on your menu for Thanksgiving??

on 11/18/06 11:00 pm - new york, NY
Hi everyone. Thanksgiving is almost here. What are your plans? Are you cooking? What is on your menu? I am cooking as usual. I even cooked for the whole family last year 3 weeks post op from my surgery...... I am making turkey of course. Lasagna both with noodles and without. I cook my own sauce. Stuffing, mashed potatos, sweet potatos, corn, corn on cob, salad, applesauce, black olives, mixed veggies, cressent rolls, sugar free cheesecake, cookies, white cake.... I think thats it.... I love the holidays.... What are your plans? LisaMarie
on 11/18/06 11:12 pm - NY
we are going to my sister in laws for thanksgiving on Thursday but then my family comes on Saturday and the Saturday menu is as follows: Stuffing Lasagna (make my own sauce as well) Ham Corn on the Cob sweet potatoes baked potatoes green bean casserole (whoever came up w/this is a genious) Garden Salad Relish Tray: Pickles, Olives, Roasted Peppers Dessert: sugar free cookies, chocolate chip cookies, sugar free pudding pie, brownies be well, ANDI
shannon arnold
on 11/18/06 11:13 pm - Coopers Plains, NY
Hi LisaMarie, I am cooking also at Moms house, later today Mom and I are going to be making SF Pumpkin Pie, and doing the prep stuff. Here is our menu: Doing 2 smaller turkeys about 12 pounds each giblet stuffing and apple stuffing broccoli potatoes glazed carrots (gonna try the splenda brown sugar) turkey gravy of course cranberry sauce for those who can eat it some kind of rolls soda, water, milk, coffee sf pumpkin pie, w/sf whipped topping apple pie munchies during the day (carrots, celery, black olives, cheese, pickles, broccoli, pepperoni) Also we are having our dinner on Monday, because my brother is here until Thursday, and we have to take him to Rochester an hour and a half away, in the middle of the day. Thats all I can think of Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I have so much to be thankful for.............. Shannon 257/155/130???
Maryellen R.
on 11/19/06 8:21 am - Sayville, NY
Shannon, I love you new picture! You look fabulous! Maryellen
shannon arnold
on 11/21/06 10:00 am - Coopers Plains, NY
Thank you Maryellen!!! I had that pic taken Halloween morning before I went to work. That is also my 100 pound pic. Thanks again, have a great Thanksgiving Shannon
on 11/19/06 7:26 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Shannon: Looks like a hearty menu, I make sf pumpkin pie as well and make mine a custard (w/o crust) in a seperate ramikin, no one has been able to tell I use splenda yet! Now one caution on the Splenda brown, it has REAL brown sugar in it!? dumping? http://www.splenda.com/page.jhtml?id=splenda/products/bsb_blend.inc HUMM for this brown sugar/splenda ***1/2 TEASPOON 10 cal 2 g sugar*** Now for REAL granulated white sugar 1/2 tsp is 7.5 cal and 2g sugar??? Now that just doesn't seem right does it? OR 1/2 tsp PACKED REAL brown sugar is 8.5 cal 2g sugar???? I am guessing the splenda hascalories from the fillers??? So beware it has more calories and same amount of sugar in it! May cause dumping....This is a topic we recently discussed on off-track group....we came up w/ some alternatives just FYI... Now you can make your own Splenda Brown this way: Makes: enough to replace 1 cup standard brown sugar MIX: 1 cup SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener, Granular & 1/4 cup Sugar-Free Maple Syrup (made with SPLENDA® Brand Sweeter). Or if you want to save money and make your own w/ 1/2 splenda and 1/2 real brown sugar that is what the splenda brown sugar is really! There are 2 brown sugar replacements I have found (in grocery stores) w/ no sugar in them! I like/have used both....esp in winter squash recipes or on sweet potatoes or in my steel cut oats at times! Sweet-n-low brown and sugar twin brown. I believe online there is natures sweet crytals by steels gourmet as well. http://store.bariatriceating.com/sweeteners.html I have also made my own cranberry sauce! with splenda like this: Cranberry sauce in under 15 minutes. 1 bag of cranberries (found in produce dept) 1 cup water 1 cup Splenda scant 1/2 cup orange juice* or skip this and just use more water or Sugar free davinci's orange syrup 1/4 c+ 1/4 C water! dash of nutmeg Bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes until the cranberries pop. Simple! And it was one of the better cranberry sauces I've ever had! If you prefer it a bit more jellied, cook it a little longer. Keep stirring. also can add orange rind/walnuts if desired! Be well! Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=c1132518510 "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
shannon arnold
on 11/21/06 10:15 am - Coopers Plains, NY
HI Jamie, Sorry so late getting back to ya. Something hurt my belly for a little bit, kinda burning/cramping sensation across the top 1/3 of my belly inside. Mom too for a little bit longer than mine. Was tolerable but still hurt. I just tried the carrots again tonight to see if that is what it was, so far I feel fine. Now it also could have been that I had eaten too much. Or the sf pumpkin pie. Will try another piece of that tomorrow. So will have to see. Thanks for the info on the brown sugar. I will surely try the splenda and sf maple syrup next time. Happy Thanksgiving Shannon
(deactivated member)
on 11/19/06 7:23 am - MT
LisaMarie, Ok well we are having my Mom, Mother in Law and Sister in law so it will be 5 of us. I am making: Turkey Cornbread Stuffing Gravy Garlic Mashed Potatos Brussell Sprouts (eekkkk hubby loves them) Olives Shrimp ****tail Deviled Eggs (from Bariatric Eating site) Broccoli Cheese pie (from Bariatric Eating site) s/f pudding filled mini pie shells with coolwhip free on top Apple Pie Ok I think that might be it, Oh wait.....tonight I just got done making peanut better cookies (from Bariatric Eating site), made with Natures Crystals! So good! Debra P
Maryellen R.
on 11/19/06 8:37 am - Sayville, NY
Hi Guys! Well since I've been doing so well with the WL category I asked my 23 guests what they thought about having a "traditional Thanksgiving" just turkey and all the trimmings? Well, just about all thought I was crazy! Their resposes, "We are Italian, and we must carry on the Italian Thanksgiving tradition" lol...ololololol.... So, I'll be making with lots of help: Variouis Antipastos-both hot and cold Baked Ziti Meatballs, sausauge, bracciole Italian bread and pork breads Turkey (very few people even touch it bc of all the other dishes) w/gravy Mashed potatoes Sweet potatos with marshmallows corn/peas string beans tossed salad artichoke pie fresh fruits dried fruit assortment nut trays cookie tray apple pie pumpkin pie ff choc pudding pie-this one I'm making for me but not telling anybody that its fat free...lol Birthday cake for my jojo(we'll be celebrating her 14th b'day-usually ice cream espresso, cappucino, tea AS a RNYer of about 3.5 months AND DOWN APPROX 60LBS...I WILL BE MAKING GOOD CHOICES, AVOIDING THE CARBS AND PICKING THE HIGHER PROTEIN ITEMS AND not eating any of the real desserts! Yes, this Thanksgiving I will be truly thinking of how thankful I am for all that has happened in these short months and forthe remainder of my journey,and for our good health and happiness. Also, I thought somewhere after the main course and before the fruits I would ask the kids who wanted to go for a walk. This will be a first, I'll let you know the response I get. I feel great and very mu*****ontrol, despite the amount of food that will be availabe at my house on Thursday.....by the way...I've already purchased these styrafoam trays to send all the leftovers home with my guests! Wish you all a good one! Maryellen
on 11/19/06 9:08 am - Ravena, NY
Hi Everyone! I'll be having dinner with my mom who is still recovering from back surgery. One of her friends made all of the stuff for dinner and sent it up to her where she froze it. So, I believe the menu is turkey, stuffing, green beans, sweet potatos and some dessert that I'll make. I'm going to make a ff, sf pumpkin cheesecake. This can be served with sf cool whip or a sf maple syrup as a glaze. That' will be around 1 PM. Then I'll visit my sister and other family members for an after dinner coffee (decaf) and a piece of whatever pie they are serving. She makes sf pies so it's safe. They are eating around 5 so I'll get there around 6 pm. No work the following day so I can stay a bit later than normal. I wish everyone a very happy and safe Thanksgiving with family and friends! Take care and don't forget to take your walk after dinner. Linda M
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