Secrete Santa Q & A

(deactivated member)
on 11/13/06 12:17 am - MT
Hello All ~hugs~ Ok for those of us that are doing the Secret Santa I thought if we answer some questions that it might help us to figure what to get for our pic, if you want to answer some that is good if not then that is ok too. Here goes: 1.What do you do for a living? Office Adminstrator 2. What are your hobbies? Riding Motorcycles, Feng shui and Web Design 3. Do you enjoy reading? If so what genre? favorite author? like scary books and anything about Feng shui (had many books on that but lost most in fire) 4. Do you like music? if so what genre? favorite singer/bands? Country and classic Rock 5. Do you enjoy movies? if so, what genre? favorite director/actor/actresses? I love scary movies and some love stories (chic flicks as they say ) 6. What t-shirt and boxer size do you wear? Shirts = small 7. do you enjoy games? any kind in particular? (computer games, puzzles, board games) Not really that much, sometimes computer but not much time. 8. what's your favorite color? Purple, black 9. What's your birthstone? Ruby (July) 10. Do you have any particular talents? I am not sure yet 11. Are you romantic? playful? seriousminded? do you enjoy gag gifts? playful 12. What do you enjoy getting for yourself when you have extra fun money? Things for the house, candles and stuff 13. What do you enjoy but never or rarely indulge in even when you do have extra fun money? Matching kitchen stuff 14. Do you collect anything? YES, Anything with a dragonfly on it 15. Over the years, what have been some of your favorite gifts (that you have received)? things that are made by the person giving them! Candles and holders! 16. How would you qualify your home decor? (traditional, country, art deco, etc...) I call it Pier 1 17. Is there anything that you really enjoy but cannot find in your area? Archive One (have to travel to pick some up or by mail) 18. Do you have any children? Pets? Pets: 2 cats and 2 doggies 19. Are you allergic to anything? (food, perfume, etc) Only Penicillin 20. What are things you absolutely hate? Spiders 21. Name a few of your favorite stores: Pier 1 and Crate and Barrell Ok I think that might be it.... I know it is a long list but it might help if someone just does not know what to get their Secret Santa.... Thanks Debra P
on 11/13/06 1:21 am - MONTICELLO, NY
That sounds great deb, How do I get in on it? Linda
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/06 1:40 am - MT
Linda, This is for the holiday party that LisaMarie is having and you need to going and let her know if you wanted to be in the Secret Santa, email her is your wanting to go...... ~hugs~ Debra P
on 11/13/06 1:44 am - NY
Here goes: 1.What do you do for a living? Cardiac Outreach Coordinator 2. What are your hobbies? getting my motorcycle license, dancing, laughing, crocheting, cooking 3. Do you enjoy reading? If so what genre? favorite author? YES i love Barnes & Noble!!!! I like scary books and will read anything by anyone as long as it's not on Oprah's book list 4. Do you like music? if so what genre? favorite singer/bands? any booty shakin' music: shaquira, ludacris, reggae, bob seger, Bon Jovi, you name it i'll rock to it 5. Do you enjoy movies? if so, what genre? favorite director/actor/actresses? I love comedies and some love stories (chic flicks as they say ) 6. What t-shirt and boxer size do you wear? ....please don't buy me undergarments 7. do you enjoy games? any kind in particular? (computer games, puzzles, board games) backgammon, poker, scrabble, naked twister! 8. what's your favorite color? Piget pink, black 9. What's your birthstone? Opal (October) 10. Do you have any particular talents? yes, but ask yourself if you REALLY wanna know what they are and yes, i'm a really good cook! 11. Are you romantic? playful? seriousminded? do you enjoy gag gifts? playful but i think part of me wants to be romantic 12. What do you enjoy getting for yourself when you have extra fun money? books, new undies, pig paraphanalia 13. What do you enjoy but never or rarely indulge in even when you do have extra fun money? pig paraphanalia: salt/pepper shakers, gumball machines, gambling 14. Do you collect anything? YES pigs are my peeps! They are a misunderstood animal simply because the packaging G*D gave them is not neat, tidy and streamlined, many don't know how brilliant they are...sound familiar to anyone? I am also a freak for pocketbooks...the odder the better i've got a HUGE collection of them 15. Over the years, what have been some of your favorite gifts (that you have received)? things that are made by the person giving them! Candles and holders, cd's, warm fuzzy sweaters, socks, mittens, funky hats, purses you name it! 16. How would you qualify your home decor? (traditional, country, art deco, etc...) I call it poor hovel but we're working on it 17. Is there anything that you really enjoy but cannot find in your area? a good book store, a great place to have my nails done, Fendi Perfume (the original) 18. Do you have any children? Pets? Pets: 3 Kids who are animals do i qualify for both then? The dog and cat passed away this past summer 19. Are you allergic to anything? (food, perfume, etc)No strong scents they make me vomit 20. What are things you absolutely hate? Spiders and green peas 21. Name a few of your favorite stores: Pier 1, Barnes & Noble, Old Navy, Pigs R'Us, Dave & Busters, Lord & Taylor,
on 11/13/06 1:48 am - new york, NY
1.What do you do for a living? Registered Nurse 2. What are your hobbies? Watching my kids play sports watching the NY RANGERS and NY YANKEES KICK BUTT.... 3. Do you enjoy reading? If so what genre? favorite author? NO time for reading, barely get to see the movie lol. 4. Do you like music? if so what genre? favorite singer/bands? ALL Kinds Love the 80s to everything now... 5. Do you enjoy movies? if so, what genre? favorite director/actor/actresses? Love Love stories and comedies. 6. What t-shirt and boxer size do you wear? UMMM medium 7. do you enjoy games? any kind in particular? (computer games, puzzles, board games) Well if candyland counts lol. 8. what's your favorite color? Blue 9. What's your birthstone? Ruby (July) 10. Do you have any particular talents? Yes but cant post them here lol 11. Are you romantic? playful? seriousminded? do you enjoy gag gifts? All of the above depending on my mood 12. What do you enjoy getting for yourself when you have extra fun money? Clothes and things for the kiddies... 13. What do you enjoy but never or rarely indulge in even when you do have extra fun money? Anything for myself, always spend extra cash on kiddies 14. Do you collect anything? YES, Anything with butterflies or dolphins. 15. Over the years, what have been some of your favorite gifts (that you have received)? Jewlery 16. How would you qualify your home decor? (traditional, country, art deco, etc...) A mix of everything lol 17. Is there anything that you really enjoy but cannot find in your area? Archive One (have to travel to pick some up or by mail) 18. Do you have any children? Pets? Pets: Down to one doggie 19. Are you allergic to anything? (food, perfume, etc) 20. What are things you absolutely hate? BUGS 21. Name a few of your favorite stores: Victoria secrete, Bath and Body Works, Body shop , GAP and old navy........ Im exhausted after that who is next?? LisaMarie
on 11/13/06 12:36 pm - NY
Debra your list is way too long so let me simplify this. My favorite car is a BMW convertable anything Favorite vacation spot can be booked at or near Jamica, not NY either. Mets season tickets are always nice too. Oh wait I think LisaMarie put a limit on the spending alright here is your list. 1.What do you do for a living? Make medicine 2. What are your hobbies? Riding Motorcycles, working out at Golds gym 3. Do you enjoy reading? All my reading takes place at Banes and Noble with their Starbucks Latte anything 4. Do you like music? Vivaldi 5. Do you enjoy movies? Boringggggggggg 6. What t-shirt and boxer size do you wear? anything that comes in BUFF hehe joking I'm almost buuf not quite yet. 7. do you enjoy games? Love a good chess game do you play? 8. what's your favorite color? Burgundy, Met Blue 9. What's your birthstone? Please no jewelry girls we are just friends. LOL 10. Do you have any particular talents? Well there is this thing I can do with my, oppps were not going there! HEHEHE 11. Are you romantic? BORINGGGGGGGGGGGG 12. What do you enjoy getting for yourself when you have extra fun money? Trips to Key West, Manhattan, Vegas you got the idea LOL 13. What do you enjoy but never or rarely indulge in even when you do have extra fun money? Thats a secret! o you collect anything? notreally 15. Over the years, what have been some of your favorite gifts (that you have received)? honestly now, hugs, kisses and friendships, Honest! 16. How would you qualify your home decor? A dump! 17. Is there anything that you really enjoy but cannot find in your area? Broadway Shows, well you asked! 18. Do you have any children? 3 sons 19. Are you allergic to anything? Food, it makes my tummy swell 20. What are things you absolutely hate? Wise guys!!!!!! 21. Name a few of your favorite stores: Barnes and Nobel Starbucks Hey now that was fun! LOL Kenny
Tavia V
on 11/13/06 10:55 pm - Long Island, NY
1.What do you do for a living? I take care of my son but I have an undergrad/grad degrees in sociology in which I plan to make a career out of once my son is old enough to school full-time(1st grade) 2. What are your hobbies? reading, watching films, playing w/my son 3. Do you enjoy reading? If so what genre? favorite author?I like all kind of novels expect for nicholas sparks novels, which are horrible. authors? w.s. maugham, w.b. yeats, james joyce, stephen king, and gabriel garcia marquez 4. Do you like music? if so what genre? favorite singer/bands? I could care less about music to be honest. 5. Do you enjoy movies? if so, what genre? favorite director/actor/actresses? I am a big fan of films. I am a movie buff for sure. directors-eastwood(VERY underrated as a director), kevin smith, todd solondz, scorsese,(EARLY)spike lee, kubrick, tarantino, ridely scott, david fincher, farrelly brothers, coen brothers,tim burton, gus van sant, ang lee, 1970-80's john waters Actors? Blah! They are just pawns of the filmmakers. 6. What t-shirt and boxer size do you wear? Uh, xs or xxs depending on what store 7. do you enjoy games? any kind in particular? (computer games, puzzles, board games) I like to play connect four w/my son if that counts. 8. what's your favorite color? black and pink 9. What's your birthstone? amethyst-feb. 10. Do you have any particular talents? I read and type really fast. 11. Are you romantic? playful? seriousminded? do you enjoy gag gifts? Out of these choices, I guess playful. 12. What do you enjoy getting for yourself when you have extra fun money? I rarely buy anything for myself. I usually just buy things for my son or nephew. 13. What do you enjoy but never or rarely indulge in even when you do have extra fun money? probably clothes 14. Do you collect anything? rare/first print novels 15. Over the years, what have been some of your favorite gifts. My fav gift was from my great aunt who passed a few months ago. It is a very old copy of 'alice in wonderland' she gave me when I was young. 16. How would you qualify your home decor? (traditional, country, art deco, etc...) I call my decor 4 year old sons crap all of the place decor. 17. Is there anything that you really enjoy but cannot find in your area? Not really 18. Do you have any children? Pets?4 year old boy. Two cats, Jude and Spike 19. Are you allergic to anything? penicillin, shellfish, dogs 20. What are things you absolutely hate? bugs, my sister in laws boyfriend 21. Name a few of your favorite stores: walmart,target, strand
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