This weeks Goals
(deactivated member)
on 11/12/06 9:41 pm - MT
on 11/12/06 9:41 pm - MT
Hello All ~hugs~
Ok I wanted to post this again so maybe we can list what goals we would like to shoot for this week:
1-My main goal is to get onto the treadmill 3 times this week for 20 mins to get into a regular habit of working out! If not the treadmill then walking on the trail if weather permits.
2- Eating healthy, trying to stay low on the carbs and make the carbs be fruits and veggies.
Ok come on and list some things you would like to work towards this week...
Debra P

Hi Debra,
My main goal this week is to work out no matter what else comes up. It is very hard to make it a main focus, especially since my calves are still aching me from last Friday when I worked out.
Today, during common hour, I WILL go to a pilates class. and I WILL go to the gym at least twice more this week. I WILL attempt new machines and use the elliptical for more than the 6 minutes I was able to do last week.
This WILL make me feel great and most of all WILL make the scale move down!
Also, another goal this week is that I WILL increase eating foods with potassium and calcium since my blood work came back low in these areas.
There, I've said it now I must do it!
ps when you do the treadmill for 20 minutes how far do you travel? Just curious, bc last week I also used the treadmill and it took me 22 minutes to do a mile, I know that is disgraceful, but I am still very overweight and was wondering what someone with "normal body weight" like you....does in 20 minutes, i'm assuming around 2 miles? Just curious.

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/06 9:54 pm - MT
on 11/12/06 9:54 pm - MT
When I do the 20 mins it is only about 1 mile or so (that is about 2.5 mph), I do not walk all that fast because if I do then I start to hurt and when I do that I do not want to do it again, I know when I shoot for the 30 mins without working up to it I hurt and get tired, making me NOT want to do it again so if I start light, getting used to the habbit of exercise and make it something I can do 3 times a week without thinking about it then I have met my goal and can move the workout farther but I need to get there first! I used to have that bad way of thinking "all or nothing" and that just get me doing the "nothing" so I am working on changing that as we speak.
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/06 11:56 pm - MT
on 11/12/06 11:56 pm - MT
You are doing so awesome hun and it will take time to learn this new way of life and to learn how your body works the best! Give yourself some time hun and try to stay positive because you have so much to be positive about.
love ya 
Debra P

I want to join all you to with this goal post.............
my goals are...........
to try and do the treadmill at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes... monday,wednesday,friday
my foot dr. said i could do my tradmill but just normal walking fastness.
i fractured my foot and it is healed but he said it can fracture again so i will start off slowly.
i do crunches thr out the day so that is good.
my last goal is to try and stop weighing my self every day and night. sometimes i weigh myself if i use the bathroom. my goal is to weigh myself once a week.. so i will try and keep this goal even if my husband has to hide the scale from me...
thats it for now... anita
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/06 1:48 am - MT
on 11/13/06 1:48 am - MT
The weighing thing was one of mine as well and how I only do it once a week and it sure helps with my mood because it was driving me crazy, we move up and down way to much as women and it was setting my mood for the day and that was a bad thing so I had to stop that! Put the scale in a place that takes effort to get at it so you might be stopped when you go to weigh yourself!
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/06 11:54 pm - MT
on 11/12/06 11:54 pm - MT
hun i want to wish you the best for your surgery on Friday... ~hugs~ I know you are going to be fine and wish you a speedy recovery! Keep us posted!
Debra P