What are you bringing????
Hi LisaMarie,
I donated as well and I know you got the check because you emailed me about what I might want to eat. Well.............
I have been having a hard time with solid "non-mushy" food. Nothing solid stays down (I mean chicken, salmon, bread, salad - they all "regifted" ).
So....I have been eating many of the Lean Cuisine Manicotti entrees (They have a decent amount of protein and are tiny!) Manicotti is relatively soft because they are made in the crepes and not the pasta tubes. Maybe something like that would be good? I know Costco sells bags of them, frozen, and they just need sauce. Plus the Costco ones are in the soft crepes too! Or most Italian restaurants will cater and sell trays of them (but it may cost more than a few bags from Costco...I'm not sure)
Just an idea...I am LOST at this point because everything wants to regift.
If I come up with other ideas, I'll email or post.
Thanks so much for doing this!