chat right now any one???
Hi Bandster Buddy...
I am having temptation problems myself. My son wanted a big birthday cake and I wanted him to get a small one so we'd have enough for just the 4 of us. Well I expressed that in an angry way and ended up making him cry.
It's a bad time for me emotionally and I don't like junk in the house when it is, but yet it's tough because it was his birthday he should be able to have what he wants. Well I ended up having kind of a big piece of cake. I also ate a friendly's sundae cup. They're small but 400 calories, yikes.
So there's cake left. I posted my new pic on the Fishkill group and I keep looking at it..then the old one. I don't want to go back to being big again. So that's holding me by a thread right now! Hang in there...I know it's hard.