Irritating co-workers

on 11/8/06 4:09 am - Redwood, NY
You would think that co-workers that have had the roux en y surgery would be a little more cosiderate about their fellow co-workers that are going to have the surgery. I have a couple of co-workers telling me that they dont think i need the surgery.One is a female that had the same BMI as meand she has told me this on a few occasions.The other worker is a male and said the same thing a couple of times.It makes me wonder sometimes if they are right.But i have co morbidities and they didnt so I say mine if for health reasons and not just to be thin
(deactivated member)
on 11/8/06 4:19 am - MT
Tim, Hun that is weird that others that had the surgery already would tell you something like that....only YOU know if you are needing and wanting this surgery and I am sure you thought about this for a while so just smile and say thanks when they say you don't need to surgery. You dont have to explain that YOU have some co orbidities to anyone, this is your choice PERIOD! Well hun we have come across many people that are jealous, ignorant or just plain unhappy with themselves and will put others down to make them feel better so sometimes we just have to smile and walk away, then vent here. I wish you all the best hun ~hugs~ Debra P
on 11/8/06 6:42 am - Schenectady, NY
Co-morbs or not... your BMI is over 40... you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. Though, Like me, you're a relative "light-weight" in the bariatric field, being at the low end of the bariatric scale. Plus, if you're anything like me, you "carry it well", meaning people are generally surprised when they find out what you really weigh. "you don't LOOK that big" LOL I remember my first visit to my bariatric group.... I just about fell over after seeing (and sitting in) the chairs in the waiting room... I almost had second thoughts... like "jeez, I'm a shrimpo in THESE chairs... maybe I'm not that big afterall" some people you just can't please.... you've got to start with yourself.
on 11/8/06 10:15 am - Redwood, NY
Thanks for the support Debra and Sean. I know what i am doing is going to benefit me and thats all that matters. I am almost 47 years old and have a 3 year old son who i want to be around for.Most of my family don't agree with me having the surgery,but they are also the ones that are overweight and have medical problems.And i let them know about it too! Thanks for listening Tim
on 11/8/06 11:40 am - Schenectady, NY
wow... I'm 11 years younger.... I have a 3 y/o and he wipes me out... a big part of the reason I've chosen surgery. I couldn't imagine going through what I'm going through now, 11 years from now. more power to you man. for the rest of your family... how's your wife about it? is she on your side or is she siding with the rest of your family? what I'm getting at is... it might be a good idea to keep your family (or as many of them as possible) at arms-length for a while... at least until you've had the surgery and made it through the recovery period. you need that time to concentrate on YOU and your primary family... son and wife (if you're still married, that is) once they see that you came through it OK and are losing weight like a madman... they may turn around and be supportive... and some will be jealous and envious... and some may even ask your assistance for THEM to get surgery. best of luck
on 11/8/06 8:49 pm - Redwood, NY
Well my wife says she doesnt agree with the surgery but she will accept it . i think alot of her problem with the surgery is whatcould happen.the ones that don't agree with the surgery are my brother who is 5ft 6 and 325 pounds and my sisters and mom and they are somewhat overweight themselves with.
on 11/8/06 10:48 pm - Islip Terrace, NY
Tim, I'm glad that you are going through with it despite what everyone else thinks. People need to understand that this isn't a decision that we've made lightly. This is about our health and a better quality of life. You deserve to be the best Dad you can for your son. I'll keep you in my prayers and I hope you have a peace in your heart about your decision because in the end it you, your surgeon and God in that room. You will be fine and I've haven't met anyone yet that regretted their decision to have this surgery. When are you scheduled for surgery? Do you have a date yet? Keep us posted. We support you 100% God Bless~ ~Angel 255/222/126 At Goal!
on 11/9/06 7:03 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Tim: Make an educated and informed decision for you, others have opinions simply that is what they are we can not control them but we can control our response to them. This is about you and no one else. Listen to your educated and informed mind and heart! PS Send me an email offline and I will send a few handouts on dealing w/ sabotaging relationships and things such as this! HUGS! [email protected] Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 11/11/06 11:46 am - Plattekill, NY
Hi Tim, I had one, maybe two friends who didn't approve of my surgery. Well -119 lbs later...they came around . Actually, the one who I knew disapproved for sure came around much earlier than that. Maybe it was when I got past the -50 pound mark. Now I have people telling me to stop losing weight, but no matter what, I want my BMI range to be a healthy one, so I have another 15 pounds at least to lose. You be healthy for YOU, and don't worry about what others think. With diabetes running in my family and losing my uncle to a horrid death from diabetes, that's my goal. Kristine
on 1/24/07 12:41 am - Fridley , MN
Please do not let your co workers get to you.
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