Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NY

on 11/7/06 12:45 am - Lewisville, NC
I currently live in NC and my husband is fixing to take out EMpire BCBS insurance of NY. Does anyone know how this works with get the RNY Surgery? HELPPPP Thanks! Cathy S
on 11/7/06 1:00 am - Ridge, NY
hi cathy i had the blue shield blue cross PPO plant when i did my WLS. I got approved real fast and my sugeons office took care of everything. DO you know which plan your getting, it might matter some! GOOD LUCK! hugzzzzzz
on 11/7/06 2:35 am - Lewisville, NC
It is called "Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NY" I currently have medcost and attending my first class with my docs. nurse last night and she said the BCBS would be better but I know nothing about it. I'm assuming I should have my appt. with Dr. Fuzz after my husband signs up with the insurance co.
(deactivated member)
on 11/7/06 2:40 am - Cincinnati, OH
Hi Cathy I had Empire BC/BS and all I needed to do was lose 5% of my weight for a medical release from a nutritionist. Otherwise, they paid everything with the exception of the minor co-pays on some of the pre-op testings Good Luck Marie
on 11/7/06 3:35 am - Lewisville, NC
So if my husband changes our insurance this week. Do you think I should wait for my initial visit with my Doc. My appt. is Dec. 1st with him. I am currently around 235 with comorbites. I was told that I was at a good weight for safety. So did BCBSempire require you to lose that to be qualified? Thanks for your input. I hope that it's the same here in North Carolina. My husband works for Time Warner Cable. We've been using my insurance with med cost and they are not to good and thats bad considering I work at the hospital.
on 11/7/06 4:16 am - Schenectady, NY
after looking at the section for obesity surgery, looks pretty standard. no mention of having to lose any percentage of weight.... though sometimes a surgeon will require 5-10% loss to shrink the liver, as it makes their job easier... I've never seen that as an insurace stipulation. Not to say that none have that requirement... only that I've never seen it. here's Empire BCBS's obesity surgery section: http://www.empireblue.com/provider/noapplication/f2/s5/t9/pw_ad080419.pdf good luck.
on 11/7/06 6:26 am - NY
Hi Cathy! I have Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. I just had my surgery on 10/10/06. Everything went great! I even went to a Doctor that was out of network and had no problems!! Good Luck!!! LC
Susie Luna
on 11/7/06 11:25 am - new york, NY
Hi Cathy, I have Empire BCBS PPO plan and I must show 6 months of weight management (via nutritionist or PCP) and lose 5% of my excess weight. I didn't have weight history to provide to them, so I've met my nutritionist once a month for the past 5 months. Perhaps you will not have this requirement. Hopefully I can get a date by December. I wish you much luck with your WLS journey! ^_^ susie
on 11/7/06 10:51 pm - Lewisville, NC
Hey Susie, Thanks for the message. I've added you to my friends list so I can keep up with your progress and the insurance. It's real possible that I will have to do the same thing you did. I know I've been on a couple of things but my nutritionist said that I only worked with her for 4 months. I actually started with her again Oct. 30th and I guess I will keep going to get that 6 months until I know other wise. I'm so excited for you. Keep in touch!
Susie Luna
on 11/8/06 11:30 am - new york, NY
Thank you Cathy for adding me.... I will keep everyone posted about my progress - as OH is the most supportive online community I've experienced. I'm glad it seems this new insurance is going to work out well for you. Let me know if you need any other information, and definitely let us know of your progress if you can. I'm very excited for you and your husband! Luv from NYC, (^_^) susie
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