Holiday Party!!
Hi LisaMarie,
What time are you planning the party? I will be in Manhattan with my younger daughter (14years old) seeing "The Wedding Singer" 2:00 matinee and checking out the window displays earlier.
I think the Broadway show will finish around 4:00ish. Please let me know what time the party will begin and end.
I don't know about carrying around food items with me the whole day, but maybe I'll talk to Lisa S. or Stacy about the possibility of transporting it in for me, if I get it to them earlier.
By the way, how old are you children? And everybody else's? Just curious, hoping to find some teens so my daughter won't get bored. You know how annoying kids can be when they're bored!
Can't wait to finally meet you and the others!

HI Maryellen, im thinking about 3-4 pm to get things started. My kids are 14 {15 in Jan} 11 4 and 3....She will have a good time, i will make sure there is good music for everyone...{i listen to my kids music lol} Will try to make it interesting for everyone...
Sounds like a plan cant wait to meet you.
Hi LisaMarie...I'm so glad there will be a party to finally meet some people. I know I don't talk much, but I wouldn't be where I am (2 1/2 months out and down 50 lbs) without you guys. Dec. 2nd is the day after my birthday too! It will just be me...I'd love to be in on the Secret Santa and I'll bring a main dish...see you there!