Surgery is scheduled and I'm scared to death

on 11/4/06 12:50 am
Hi everyone. I just found this website and I am so greatful for that. My surgery is scheduled for November 16th and I am getting very nervous, finding myself having second thoughts. I know mentally I am SOOOOO ready for the changes thatit will bring, but until I am on the table and done with the surgery, I need reassurance. Please give me some insite for those of you who have been there. Thanks!!!!
Kelly J.
on 11/4/06 9:31 am - Sackets Harbor, NY
The feelings you are having are completely normal....most of us went thru the same thing. You will be just fine. I wish you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. We are holding your place on the losers bench. Kel
on 11/4/06 11:21 am - Central Valley, NY
I am so happy with my decision,I had my surgery on Aug. 14th and I'm down 34 lbs. I know for a fact I would never be where I am if it were not for the surgery.My sister in law did it in Jan. and looks and feels fantastic. I feel great and I haven't said that in years.You'll be fine.Best of luck for a safe and speedy recovery. Tina
on 11/4/06 7:55 pm - new york, NY
Hi Anna... First of all welcome..... Second congrats.... and lastly you are feeling NORMAL......we all panic and think are we doing the right thing...what makes this decision harder is that it is considered ELECTIVE and we start to question ourselves...IF we had a tumor that needed to come out , we would get it done with no second thoughts. Well if we stay were we are at the weights we are or were then thats just as dangerous as having a tumor. If you think of the surgery as necessary and not elective you will feel better. I know i was totally in a panic....But right now it was the best decision i ever made for me and my family. Good luck and keep us posted, your going to do great. LisaMarie
Amy C.
on 11/4/06 8:18 pm - Old Chatham, NY
Hi Anna, The days before my surgery were very scary for me too. This is an elective surgery and it's hard to reckon with putting yourself at risk electively. I spent a lot of time focusing on what I did have control over, since being under the knife wasn't under my control. I got lots of exercise, I drank water, ate well, took my vitamins, got all my duckies in a row for when I came home, so that I wouldn't have to do anything but recoup. This surgery is the best thing I ever could have done for myself. I am so glad I decided to go for it, in spite of all my fear. Keep us posted. We will all be thinking of you and wishing you the very best. Hugs, Amy
on 11/5/06 12:44 am - North Babylon, NY
Anna, I am in the same boat as you, the only thing is that my surgery is TOMORROW. I am so nervous. I am 45 years old but I have a heart condtion, I have survived a quadruple by pass 5 years ago, and my first mild heart attack in February so I feel I have some major risks here. This past week I have been going back and forth about cancelling or not, but I have decided to go through with it, I can't keep battling the weight issue on my own, I need this tool to help me lose weight. I have lost 60lbs. since January, but it comes back on very quickly if I don't stick to a regimented diet, last month I went on vacation and put back 10 lbs. so I feel I really need this. My wife had hers done in March and she is doing great, she lost 45 lbs. I will keep you posted if I can find this link again, if you want to contact me my email is [email protected] Good Luck to you. Charlie
on 11/5/06 7:47 am - Queens, NY
Hi Anna - As others have already said, you're totally normal! I was sooo excited, right up to when I got my date. Then I fretted, worried, was preoccupied for several weeks. I have no regrets, and feel it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I wish you all the best, and send you hugs pre- and post- surgery! Mary Mc
on 11/5/06 7:46 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Anna: Hello! I can not tell you how to feel/think/act.... Deciding to undergo WLS is major step. I believe it is VERY important to make an educated and informed decision. Many people feel anxious preop. I recommend trying to relax, release any anxious thoughts, and peacefully rest in the presence of one's higher power (if you have a spiritual side), in guiding to inner peace. Journaling all the reasons you are making this decision, your path may become clear and can actually reaffirm your choice. WLS is not w/o risks and that is why it can be a challenging decision, it is important to acknowledge this now and for life to help kep lifelong f/up in the forefront. Writing why you have decided the risks are outweighed by the benefits for you can also reframe your decision away from doubt/worry to one of assuredness... No one can guarantee your path or journey in life, consider taking some time to set/write goals that are health focused and functionally focused for a global long-reaching focus (vs. those that are scale or weight/number focused and can be so rigid and unrealistic that they lead to self sabotage/unhappiness). Spending time now on that may help along the way. Here is a link to a journal you may consider using (called along the way!) If you can broaden your focus right now outside of the surgery (because in all reality it is just one step in a million mile journey and quite frankly the EASIEST of all steps..) Spend some time considering and reflecting on the road ahead...This can be helpful and empowering and well distracting experiment! Think about things like: It takes extraordinary courage to consciously limit food choices for the rest of your life (and potentially limit social opportunities built around meals). For many patients, life after WLS means treating food as a fuel, not as a source of drama, excitement, comfort or a central life focus: i.e. eating to live rather than living to eat. While some procedures may be reversible, for most patients WLS is a lifetime commitment, requiring a lifetime of major lifestyle changes. SURGICAL SUCCESS REQUIRES THAT THE PATIENT INITIATES AND MAINTAINS DRAMATIC HABIT AND ATTITUDE CHANGES.....Consider strategies how you will work on this etc. EXERCISE NOW and for life for stresss releif however u r able at any moment! I wish you well, all we can do is turn over the anxiety to our higher power asking for inner peace and doing all we can to make this an educated journey of self-discovery. HUGS! I truly believe in journaling, positive affirmations, relaxation, deep breathing and guided imagery! All powerful tools! Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
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