Went to the first stage of my WLS journery tonight...
a group seminar at the hospital I will be going to - Buffalo General Hospital / Kaleida Health... and I met the two surgeons in the clinic. Both very nice... they went over a lot of info with us, much I knew, but some was new to me as well. I only have a 33% chance of living to be 65; but there is a 2% chance I will die in/due to RNY... food for thought! I will get the date for my first dietican/nurse practioner/physiotherapist appointments on Monday...
I spoke to one of the surgeons (the one I liked the best, Dr Posner) regarding my gall bladder situation... he tells me best to wait 3-6 months from now before setting date to meet with him, but wants me to start the program (weigh-in, start South Beach diet once evalutated, start on some of the tests they require etc)... he tells me that the body needs time to settle after the trauma. Interesting other thing he said... anesthesia goes into fat sotres, so they do not want their patients driving for 10 days after surgery... I have had a number of surgeries and NO ONE ever told me this (although I have thought this myself). Found out more about dumping too. And interesting info about lap-band (but not my choice).