off limits????
I think everyone is different.I have not had bread at all or red meat.I will say yesterday I had 3 bites of a country spare rib and suffered for 5 hours with pain of getting it stuck.I must have eaten to fast or didn't chew well enough.I have learned my lesson.I know someone who can eat bread no problem.I'm affraid to try now.Good Luck.
HI I am only 3 weeks out so I would not even think of trying it....I am petrified to even eat an egg...But I have friends who have had the surgery and everyone is different...One can't even look at bread and gets violently sick when eating chicken but can eat a really soft and nice piece of steak and another one has no problem with bread or chicken but the same piece of steak makes her sick for hours. I guess the scariest thing is that we all just need to try new things and unfortunatly we will know right away what we should stay away from. Best wishes and good luck to you. Let me know how you do.