What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 10/31/06 9:42 pm - MT
on 10/31/06 9:42 pm - MT
Hello All ~hugs~
Home sick from work today, i guess the other day was just the start of a flu so I am taking it easy and relaxing today. I am sure they are not happy at work after having the 2 days off but with the diarrhea you can not sit in a car for the 45 min drive to work! OK, OK TMI...
Feeling like the flu with the chills, sweats, diarrhea and pounding headache!
What I had yesterday.....
B: 1 Achive One protein drinks, then had 1 serving of the low sugar oatmeal
S: 3 pretzels
L: 1 can chicken noodle soup
S: 1 string cheese
D: 1 1/2 small slices homemade pizza (with not feeling all that good I guess that was a poor choice)
Water: 50 oz water , 20 oz Crystal light, 12 oz Diet 7 up
Sups: 2000 mg of Calcium Citrate
2 Centrum chewables
1000 mg B12 Twinlab sublingal tabs
Exercise: n/a
Ok you all have a great day! 
Debra P

Awwwwww Debra.. Hugs to you! I am sorry you have that crap that is going around! My hubby had it and he was sicker than a dog! (He also has a compromised immune sytem so thing**** him pretty hard). I hope you feel better soon.
What I had Yesterday....
B: Cabot 50% FF Cheese pack, Light & Fit Carb/Sugar Control Yogurt
L: Cabot 50% FF Cheese pack, about 2 heaping tsp. Roasted red Pepper Hummus
D: About 1oz of Chicken Breast and 1 Broccoli Floret
Calcium, B12, Potassium, Multi Vit
Went for a 1/2 hour walk at Lunch... What a BEAUTIFUL Day it was!

Im sorry to hear your sick. Im wondering if r getting me replys. I have answered your "what did u eat today" for about 3 days and no reply. I hope im still doing this right !!! Well im having a bad eating day today. Pick,pick,pick is all I want to do
I hate that... But im trying to pick on good things, if there is such a thing.. Halloween was fun and busy we had a blast. Well hope your feeling better and love u lots...Xoxoxoxo roni

hi there debra and all,
i got a weight change as of today...... drum roll please.................
179 pounds today.... woo hooo..... must be all the water i am drinking and the crunches............................
here is what i had yesterday,
B- 1 scoop protein delite cho/coconut
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup water
L- 2 slices american cheese
1 egg white
S- sf pumpkin muffin homemade
D- 3 oz chicken breast
1 small potatoe
2 tablespoons green beans
S- sf pumpkin muffin homemade
126 oz water
20 oz coffee
exercize- crunches
Tavia V
on 11/1/06 6:13 am - Long Island, NY
on 11/1/06 6:13 am - Long Island, NY
Hey you,
Nothing is TMI around here anymore!
Feel better soon!

Sorry, you're not feeling well. Ok so I thought I would start posting food on Monday ... well I spent the day at Sloan with a friend at the (what we refer to as) the Chemo Cafe ...
So starting today ... the good, the mostly bad and the downright ugly choices of the day.
2 - 3 c coffee w/half&half
B - fage yogurt w/splenda a few almonds and a few shakes of all bran
coffee w/half&half
L - 3/4 of a stale garlic bagel I found in the office at work (yes I work at a gym)
S - almonds, more almonds, more almonds, candy corn, and two bites of dark chocolate
S - reduced fat ritz crackers and swiss cheese
D - pork, a forkful of peas, a forkful of pasta
S - yes another snack ... halloween m&m's and candy corn
OK so I feel sick to my stomach and disgusted with myself for the poor food choices I've been making.
How obvious an emotional eater am I!!!!???