Kaleida Health in Buffalo...
Hi - If you're speaking of Buffalo General, Kaleida Health on High st; the support group meetings are every 2nd Wednesdays of the month and 6pm. I have been to the past two and can't make it to this months; my work schedule has changed. I am scheduled for surgery November the 13th with Dr. Forbes. If you do go to the group, tell everyone Brenda says Hi! You will meet Mark, who has been out for over 1 year now; he always brings a different recipe from the south beach diet plan. Yum!!! Tell him I will miss his cooking. Enjoy! Oh, RSVP with Brenda Ricks @ 716-859-1168.
Hi - I went to the seminar on June 1st of this year, my first visit with the staff (no DR.) July 31st; followup on the south beach diet was September 5th; met my Dr. and assigned surgery date was on October 5th. I did not pick which Dr. I wanted, I was just assigned to Forbes; so if you really want Posner, be sure you tell them immediately. The diet has been Great! I am a sugar addict and it helped alot; not 100%; because I say that is, I found I was still craving my sweets; so I just ate alot; I mean alot of sugar free products. Then when I went to phase II, I was having dark chocolate; like dark chocolate covered peanuts from the bulk section of the store. I have been doing alot of cheating however in the past few weeks; my one friend wants me to get in all I can; to what I won't be able to have for awhile(that is what I tell him) he thinks I will never be able to eat again or some of my favs. He took me out to Outback last week and tonight he's treating me again! Starting Monday I have to go back to Phase I for pre-op the week before surgery to shrink down the liver; no carbs, sugar, you know what I mean. I love your whole profile! I have not been able to do much on mine; but soon will be able to; working on getting my home computer back and running. I even printed one of your poems and will give it to a few of my friends and parents to read. Well, I hope maybe to meet you one day at one of the support group meetings. I have already met a wonderful person; Kelly, and when we went around the room to introduce ourselves; we realized that we have emailed or posted to one another on this site before. Also, I see her at my gym that we go to and she has shared Stallones 20g protein pudding with me. Yes surgery is approaching quickly; and have been a basket of emotions. See, surgery dates for November and go down to the date post of 10/15/06, I have done some journaling in there about how I have been feeling. Thank you and good luck to you.