I got my date!!! Too close to christmas?

on 10/31/06 1:05 am - Holtsville, NY
Hi Everyone, I got my date today. December 18th. I'm excited but, nervous since its one week before christmas. I wanted to wait till after the holidays but, if I did would have needed to have my upper endoscopy done again since it will be over 6mths. ( my appeal finally came through) All my testings were done back in March till June. The surgeons office assured me I should be home for christmas. I have two little ones and don't want to ruin christmas for them. How did everyone feel one week out? I am going to be having the lap RNY. Thanks - Denise
Lori G.
on 10/31/06 1:24 am - Troy, NY
By one week out I was off all pain meds... I feel for you... I personally would be concered with the timing on it too... I would just make sure to have all of my stuff done... Presents wrapped, everything in order because you are tired for the first few weeks.... Hugs... Lori
on 10/31/06 3:28 am - Brooklyn, NY
I agree as long as you have everything done you will do okay. I was extremly tired, off pain meds after one week. But you will still be able to enjoy your holiday with the lil' ones! Kimberly 238/158/135
on 10/31/06 4:11 am - Schenectady, NY
well... barring any major complications, you shold definitely be home in time.... who you'll feel by then is anyone's guess really... it IS kind of close. aside from needing some of your preop testing again if you waited, another possible benefit to think about (having it before year end) is... depending on your insurance plan, things like deductible, max out-of-pocket (OOP), etc. may come into play. If you're on a HMO plan that has a flat co-pay, then it doesn't really matter.... but for people like myself, it makes all the difference in the world. I've already met my deductible for the year... and I'm only about $1000-1200 away from my annual OOP max... meaning, if I have my surgery before 12/31, I'll only have to pay $1000-1200, but if I have it AFTER 1/1, then I'm starting all over again with my $500 deductible, and 20% up to $2500.... meaning after 1/1, I'll be out $3000. good luck.
on 10/31/06 5:13 am - Kingston, NY
You will want to have as much stuff done tween now and then as you can manage. BUT with an "uneventful" surgery you should be ready to sit back and enjoy the holiday with your family. I was almost ready to go back to work one week out. Yes, you will get tired more easily, so be prepared and maybe take someone up on an offer for a few hours of baby sitting once in a while. But, I for one can not imagine a better gift to give yourself or your loved ones ! The best of luck and can't wait til you get to join us on the "losing side!" (Feel free to yell if you need to !) -Terri
Elizabeth Torres
on 10/31/06 9:06 am - New York, NY
First off, congratulations My surgery is next Tuesday Don't stress it so much Denise. Very true what others said about being prepared ahead of time. Just have everything ready and sit back and relax as your kids go present crazy. You need to look foward to future Christmas times when you are going to be healthier and more energetic for yourself and for your kids. So for this year, just get it overwith and make the best of it. I truly don't believe that your kids will be upset and resent you deep down if you just take it a little easier this year. Once those presents are given out, I don't think they will be complaining too much My best to you sweety, you are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless. Liz
(deactivated member)
on 10/31/06 11:22 am - syracuse, NY
I have heard that most people who have the Lap procedure heal much faster.
on 10/31/06 5:34 pm - Holtsville, NY
Thanks everyone for your reply's. I feel alot better hearing I should be off the pain meds about 1 week out. Before, I know it 12/18 will be here. Both scared and nervous. But thats expected. Denise
on 10/31/06 8:00 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Denise~ hello! Consider a few points... many insurance companies policies/requirements can change in a new year! Although you may be approved in 12/2006 come 1/2007 your req may change (this HAS happened to many I know!) VERY FRUSTRATING! Unfortunately NO ONE can assure you how you will do with surgery, feel or how recovery will be. There simply are NO guarentees in life. Typically they/we can say yes you SHOULD be home for the Holidays, but complications CAN happen, as you know there are risk involved with surgery. NOT that anything will happen but no one knows. Holidays come and go, they will be exciting yet challenging in the future as well. It is a personal decision but the way I wrap my mind around it is there is no 'perfect time', why put off what you have been working so hard for so long? I bet your family understands that taking care of you is important so you can take care of them, this is not selfish this is necessary! How can the Holidays just be different this year? Afterall isn't it about giving, love and caring? (Not the commerical end of it!) LOL I can only give you my view GO FOR IT! IF you are tired, weak or in the hospital due to an unforseen complication, your family will adapt I am sure, you can celebrate any day even if necessary!!! But, spending all our energy on the whatifs can paralyze us from doing what we truly desire to thrive. It is a perspective one you should be comfortable with whatever you decide! I know for me I was a victim of my Disease Morbid Obesity too long, I moved in survivor mode then thriving due to choices I made to take back control...ask yourself when do you want to thrive? I bet you the best gift u can give your family is your wellness and health and if you have made the decision that WLS will put you on that road, what more could anyone ask???? As for MY experience at age 30 I felt ok, no pain meds at all and moving gingerly but ok. Some are dog tired and in bed, others exuberant? The holidays are what you bring to it, IMHO! This year you bring an xtra special gift...your decision to be as healthy as possible! Just my reframe! Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
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