Teacher May be relocating to NY
I'm a teacher in MN and am looking at relocating to the NY (city) area in the not to distant future. My girlfriend lives in Manhattan. Does anyone have any suggestions or contacts for landing a teaching job out there. I am licensed 5-12 for Technology Education/Industrial Arts. My focus is teaching computers. I've been teaching for 10 years. I have taught everything from small wood working to digital photography and digital video. I prefer to teach the later areas. Currently I am the Technology Coordinator for 2 schools in our school district. Which basically means that I am a technology facilitator and help teachers use technology in their classrooms and troubleshoot tech problems. I basically am tech support for the teachers and teach the teachers.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I am not looking to relocate until after this school year (I believe in fulfilling my contract) is over but want to get a jump on the next year.
Here's the link. Not sure if you want public or private but this is public schools in NYC broken down by borough for openings.
Hi Peter, I was a NYC teacher for 8 years. There are plenty of teaching jobs available. You should have no problem getting in. You have to go down to the board of Ed., and figure out what you need in terms of licenses etc... They will proabably give you a provisional certificate until all your requirements are met or transferred in. You will also have to align these with NYS. Go to both NYC Board of Ed., link and NYS state. Private school in NY pays poorly. City pays OK w/ great benefits. Long Island pays much better if you are willing to comute. Good Luck!