possible gas solutions :idea:
on 10/30/06 2:19 am
on 10/30/06 2:19 am
Here is a strange question that was posed to me the other day by my mom.... I've been told that the increase in protein a lot of times increases the amount of gas that you produce... would I be able to take a supplement such as "beano" to help with this situation? or isn't it applicable anymore?
Hi Jenny,
The only kind of Protein Beano works with is Soy Protein, being it comes from Soy Beans. Same with Tofu - Beano would help for that.
Do you make your protein drinks with milk? If so, maybe you are lactose intolerate. Some Whey Proteins have lactose as well. Beano does NOT work for that form of gas.

'I' have never had 'gas' from anything but: ranked in order they give my system issues!
#1: carbs... (milk sugar, crackers, bread)
#2: Sugar alcohols....(in sugar free products such as the hard candies I buy at times or SF cookies *note the carbs also do it to me)
#3: fats....Like fried foods but then again the breading is starch/bars so is combo...
#4: certan gasey foods: onions, broccoli, etc
Note i haven't used any alcohol but many say that is a bad culprit...Most gas issues can be controlled w/ diet changes IMHO, but gasx is one option.
Now sometimes fiber is an issue as well, I use Flax seed ground in my shakes andon salad, when adding in the beginning as any fiber can cause pain/bloating/gas but I am used to it and no issues now w/ it. My IRON on the othe had sometimes causes bloating! So can some calcium suppliments, so use th citrate vs carbonates for less GI effects and more absorption as well!
When *I* do high protein LITTLE/NO GAS AT ALL, this is me and how MY body responded to having a Lap Proximal 100cm bypassed RNY. I stopped milk at 6 mo out (due to concern w/ slowing wt loss , causing sugar and carb cravings) and turned to high quality whey protein shakes..they cut down the gas for me, I haven't looked back, because my protein levels were low and I was getting in 85 Gm protein in food! at that time now I do 2 23g scops a day in whey shakes (I use PVL whey gourmet) it is 120 cal scoop 23g protein 3 g carbs/no sugar and 2 g fat. It helps keep my protein levels up, satisfies my night cravings for a treat, works well in am before I go to the gym as well and has been one tool in my toolbox for success.
If whey gives you issue,look to a isolate first has the least amount of lactose in it, this may be the issue or try lactaid tabs to combat the issue! Or as others mentioned Soy is not as bioavailable but a good option if there are no contraindications for you using soy which contains isoflavones with potential hormonal effects/effects on thyroid risk of allergies, kidney stones etc. AND Soybeans are high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds. It's a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals - calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc - in the intestinal tract. Thisngs we already ar at risk of deficiencies with/for!!! Now I am againnot bashing soy just be aware if it may effect YOU, I use Soy sleder milk http://www.westsoy.biz/products/slender.php ocassionally in my teas..
Is there a difference between whey protein concentrate and isolate?
A: Yes, there may be a large difference between the two. Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of whey protein available. It contains 90% or more protein and very little (if any) fat and lactose. Whey protein concentrate has anywhere between 29% and 89% protein depending upon the product. As the protein level in whey protein concentrate decreases the amounts of fat and/or lactose usually increase.
At one yr out when MY regain started (slippery slope of carbs!) I looked to uusing the south beach philosophy as a guide for my food planning for life, its focus on lean proteins, complex/multigrain carbs and good fats seems to be a perfect fit frow WLSers...eliminating many sources of gas/cravings while keepig our protein levels high and avoiding the muscle wasting that can happen....
Now I never tried Beano, but as others mentioned it is for: http://www.beanogas.com/BeanoFoods.aspx mostly grains, beans and veggies
http://www.beanogas.com/ this site has $1 off coupon just FYI!
I guess w/ everything in life there is no perfection and with WLS this is a journey of pesonal choices and discovery....I wish you well, and it is good to have some ideas before hand, you can never be too educated or informed! Hugs
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Hiya, Jenny. If anything, my gas problems have decreased since surgery! Probably because I don't eat junk anymore. My surgeon said it's OK to take gasX and tums occasionally. But, you should ask your surgeon, just to be safe. Good for you for thinking ahead!!! How you doin'? Getting excited? Enjoy trick-or-treating with your son tonight! This will be the first year I can't raid my kids' haul!
on 10/30/06 10:02 pm
on 10/30/06 10:02 pm
Hi Traci,
I don't know if I am excited or not.. I do believe that I am every emotion rolled up into one. I am more concerned that I maintain my weight right now for they won't do the surgery if I gain anything.. going to be tough with halloween but I will do my best... I"m not a big candy eater anyway... I'm just waiting now to hear from the insurance company ... they said about 4 business days if everything is in order.. I am calling them every day to make sure that they don't need anything else.... .
see ya!
Hi Jenny, I had the same question last week. Or at least I think I did LOL, I was wondering about gas after surgery, during my hospital stay, If this is what you are questioning, well here goes.......... Lots of folks posted that their doctor gave them some sort of bowel cleanser. Those who took it claimed not to have a gas problem. My doctor did give me directions to take 10 OZ of citris of magnesia (dont mind the spelling) It can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is a lemon/lime flavor and someone suggested putting it in the freezer about 30 min before taking it. Certainly dont do this unless your doctor advises it. I'll be sure to let you know post-op about my "gas" experience. My doctor also said I could take Gas X, I bought the disolvable kind. Who knows if It will hel*****t, but I will let you know after TOMORROW, YYAAAHHHH...Good luck to you