Hello everyone-
I just had my surgery on Tuesday 10-24-06. I am still on a liquid diet. I bought Isopure clear protein drinks. I was wondering if anyone has tried these and is having problems like I am having now. These drinks are causing me to be very gassy!!!! Does anyone have any advice for me?!?!?!
Thanks! Elyse
(deactivated member)
on 10/29/06 12:51 am - syracuse, NY
on 10/29/06 12:51 am - syracuse, NY
scott is right try switching to soy protein drinks they are much easier on the stomach
also if you are using 1,2 % or whole milk switch to skim milk cause fats will also make you gasey early out

Tell me about it!!!
I still have gas! It is one of the things that I had never experienced before my surgery--I have terrible gas to this day. I also get the runs. But other than that--I feel great. The suggestions that were given were excellent! But I can't promise that they will work for you--they don't for me.
I hope that yours is temporary!
Truthfully --it is a small price to pay for feeling and looking a heck of a lot better than I did a year ago !
But I won't lie--it can be embarrassing !
I have often left the room so that I won't offend anyone
I also use a product called Devrom
Devrom - Internal Deodorant - effectively neutralizes odor from stool and flatulence
It helps me--but I try not to overdo using it because I don't want to use any product that isn't natural --If I can help it!
Feel good
Be Blessed,
Marian SC
242.4/149.8/goal 125-130??
This is a favorite of mine saved form many years ago....
USUALLY the gas is a result of malabsorbing something (usually sugars/fats)....
Eat sugar get gas.
Eat sugar free get worse gas. *nasty sugar alcohols!*
Drink sweet - get stinky gas
Eat carbs - get gas.
Eat chips - get gas
Drink Wine- get stinky gas.
Go on a high protein diet and have NO GAS AT ALL.
Now are you drinking milk? It isn't usually the fat content that matters, milk regardless of skim 1%, 2% whole has natural sugar but suar none the less, 12-13g in a CUP! Now I am no trying to demonize
milk, although I skip it and do whey shakes personally due to the calories for protein content and carbs as well (setting up slowed wt loss for some and cravings for many)...Some are also lactose intolerant esp. early postop!
It MAY or MAY not
be the WHEY, so experiment drop milk if u r drinking and see, then eliminate the whey shake, and see etc. Adding things back also 1 at a time!
R U drinking juice perhaps? That could be a killer right there as well. Not sure what your liquid diet is...Are u drinking Carnation instant breakfast? (that is still milk and sugar even the no added sugar is 70 cal for only 4 g protein and 13 g carb/sugar in it!) & if mixing w milk this could be gas-city as well.., tell us more what u r consuming!
But it could be the whey and if so, trying a different protein even a differntform of whey may be ok, (whey isolate, whey concentrate, or a blend) is ok as well as long as u do not have amedical contraindication to using it (hormonal issues)...
*Some other ideas:
Devrom is safe *occasional use* and effective and gives you immediate and total odor control. There's no need for a prescription, no worry, and no exorbitant expense. FDA-approved Devrom is now available in either "Chewable Tablets" or "Tasteless Capsules."
Some us Gas-x or any simethicone type OTC as well...
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

First off Congrats To You!!
Gas is/was a problem for me as well. Immediately after surgery and for two weeks following surgery I had very painful gas. But the gas was from the surgery itself. I was in a lot of pain and I couldn't sleep. Even walking ( they told me to walk it off) did not help me. I just had to stick it out. I could of taken meds but did not want to. I knew it would go away eventually. It did.
The other gas I am experiencing now is not painful but annoying. It happens everytime I eat or drink something. But I welcome it because it tells me that my food is being digested okay. It could probably be remedied with over the counter meds but since it doesn't hurt and only occurs when I eat or drink, I put up with it.
I hope you voiced your concerns with your Doctor!!