Oh well.
Tavia,((((((((((HUG)))))))))))) I feel so bad that you are going through all of this.You are usually so positive and strong which I find so mind blowing since you have been threw sooooooo much.Please don't give up on yourself!!! See as many doctors as it takes.Take time out every day to make yourself feel good,weather it is a short walk or listening to some of your favorit music or jus****ching a movie all snuggeled up in bed with your son.You mustn't let this take all the good things in life away from you.I really hope and pray that things will turn around for you.I wish I lived near you,cuz then I could go for a cup of joe with you and Kenny!(like how I just would invite myself
)Take care and take time out for you everyday!!!!(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))

I'm so sorry your experiencing this. Being sick for a long stretch of time can wear on you phycially but also emotionally. Make sure your taking time to take care of yourself and signficant other...because your family goes throught this with you.
When I was recovering in the hosptial from surgery, I watched a lot of TV...normally i don'****ch any. At that time Gov. Pataki just had surgery and he was suffering from paralytic ileus. Long story short, one of the shows on this topic said that a study showed that chewing gum helped with this issue. I don't remember what show I saw it on...probably Fox news or something...but i thought it might help.
I really hope you feel better.
hi Tavia,
I am so sorry to hear about this latest obstacle in your long-overdue recovery. Since joining this board, I found you to be one of the most upbeat contributors...and up until recently I had no idea you had had so many setbacks. It goes to show what a positive person you are. So Tavia, you have every right to "be a downer", to ***** and moan and then ***** some more. And we will always be here to listen and support you and help in any way that we can.
I found Scottie's post very interesting and I did a little "Dr. Google" on what he said. I found this article and thought it to be very informative, so for what it's worth, here is the link:
It talks about how gum chewing did in fact help in patients with paralytic ileus. Ok...you are probably thinking, "Yeah but when I feel foamy/nauseasted, gum is the last thing I want". So maybe you can incorporate the gum chewing before that feeling kicks in. I don't know details on how you are affected symptomatically, but it was just a thought.
Tavia...If you need any help with research or anything at all, please email me. I'm a googling-fool and am more than happy to help in any way. Even if you just want to send me *****y-moany emails...fill my mailbox.
I recall pre-op I read a profile some woman in another state had posted. She had endless post-op problems and surgeries...many to no avail. However, I recall that what kept her going was the support she got from this OH site. Her world was caving in around her, not just with the complication, but also her personal life due to the problems, she had insurance issues, money problems, etc. But over and over throughout her endless profile, she said that had her OH friends not been there, she would have caved in.
We are all here for you in the same capacity.
Hang in there Tavia...you are a shining star.
I am sorry that you are going through another bout of illness. Our prayers are with you, your family and your doctors. Lord knows everyone is learning a whole bunch from your suffering. Please let me know if there is anything I can do even it's just venting via email.
Please rest as much as possible.
Good Morning Sunshine!!
First ... Thank God you posted a 'downer'! You wouldn't be normal if you didn't.
Second ... Keep on keeping on ... it's better than the alternative.
Last ... Aloe Vera has so many healing properties. It was just recommended to my daughter in juice form to help with her 'digestive/elimination' issues. Perhaps you can question one of your doctors about using it a supplement.
With much love & admiration,
Oh Tavia, you're post made me cry. I am so very sorry that you are still so ill and wish there was something I could do for you to make it all better. I was so hopeful that your last surgery was going to fix everything. It's upsetting to hear that you are not doing as well as we had all hoped.
Vent all you want to and need to. We are always here to listen and offer the support that you unselfishly give to everyone else.
I think about you often and pray for you always. Keep strong and keep fighting. Something has to give.
Love ya,
Oh, Tavia. I'm so sorry sweetie. I pray for you all the time... and I'm going to kick that up a notch. You have been so positive, when it would have been easy to be negative. You're in hell and don't deserve that! I wish there was something I could do for you... at least a hug or something! Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers!
Oh Tavia,
I feel so bad for you!
I have had such an easy time this past year--and you have suffered sooooo much
! All I can do is pray for a miracle for you!
we all wish you well and we hope that this ordeal will finally have a good outcome!
Be Blessed and Feel better--Know that we love and care about you and your family!
We all wish that we could do more!
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