Starting To Miss Fried Food
You CAN eat anything, WILL you TOLERATE it is the question, is it in your best INTREST for longterm success? is yet another.
I would say not now on soft mushies, carbs in the breading can really trigger cravings and hunger. I feel using the fear to stay away as long as u can is a great tool! One I still use today to avoid sugar. I personally tried fried foods 2 yrs out or so, I got so nauseated and sick and TIRED (mild dumping can happen w sugar or fat!) so I rarely do it, I again look to moderation or 90/10 rule, so I do a ocassional frenh frie or shrimp or mushroom but I honestly can say It isnt as great as the mind can make it up to.
I encourage you to journal on this journey, ask yourself what are u really hungry for? (meaning emotionally what is going on?) Mourning the loss of food in the way you once used it to calm, numb, stuff, avoid your self and emotions can inhibit success longterm, really recognizing the head vs physical hunger making the healthiest choices each meal you can and stop judging and only observing and be aware, this is your journey and your choices, I wish you well, we all seem to learn from falling down, so never beat self up, for now though perhaps leave it alone, reviksit at 6 or 12 mo, fill your pouch w the needed protein for healht and to avoid the muscle wasting, attempt to wrap your brain around eating to live vs living to eat..
consider it an experiment how can you fill the need in another NONFOOD WAY! Learning to do this in the honeymoon period helps solidify the longterm goal of healht!
WILL IT MAKE YOU SICK? Do you REALLY WANT TO KNOW (sick/dumping isn't fun) but learnign what u can eat sometimes is a far far worse thing/punishment IMHO!
WILL YOU EAT IT? YOU ARE IN CONTROL, sometimes saying u can eat it allows u not to, after all dieting=bingeing.. what we cannot have we want most, allowing self to have anything (choice to) sometimes helps us NOT want it. For me that works in many lines except sugar.. so even for myself I use different philosophies!
SO DO YOU REALLY WANT IT? REALLY? PAUSE ask self again? Is it worth it? The choice is yours!
We r always here when you run or when you fall, cause we all run and fall on our million mile journeys, hoping to learn along the way!
HUGE HUGS It is ok to want things it is ok to talk about it, pplease tay visible that is how we gain knowledge adn support..........Remind self over and over why you did this....sometimes when we do that the stinkin thinkin goes away and we really want love or support and not food at all.....
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided
to see beyond the imperfections!"

Hi Tonetta,
Please take my opinion at just opinion.
I'm pre-op and the first thing I thought when read your post was not whether it would make you sick, but rather why you would be looking to try to cheat this early out. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is not cheating and is totally acceptable.
It is my understanding that this time should be used to learn better habits and eating fried food is not a good habit.
That being said, if you really do want it, the person to ask is your surgeon.
Actually, I was trying to figure out if it was acceptable. I am definitely not trying to cheat. Knowing that I need the protein and fish is high in protein I put it on my menu. But for me fried is the only way I can tolerate it. It turns my stomach for some reason trying to eat it any other way. I am not big on seafood. I took the risk because I need the protein. I drained it well and I removed the batter and skin before I chopped it up. I also chewed it for a long time before I swallowed it. Almost like using my mouth as a processor. It worked for me. I did not have any problems what so ever. I am glad it worked out because I need that protein. I gave up old eating habits with great success. It was hard but I no longer eat or drink a lot of things that my body got use to, but the fried fish I physically can not give up. It's either that or I don't have it at all but that won't work because that is a good protein source.
I have heard that even if you take the batter off, that you are no longer getting the proper omegas and because of the fact that the grease goes directly through the fish. I am pre-op and I never liked any other fish than fried as well, but I have been on the south beach diet; which our surgeon says will be our diet for life; and I eat fish 3-4 x's a week; w/ hot sauce. Never did I do this before the diet, I just experimented to see what I could put on the baked/broiled fish to make it taste to my liking. It works!