on 10/23/06 11:32 pm - BUFFALO, NY
Hi everyone.I had open RNY in July 2002.I didnt do very good afterwards.It took longer for me to recover.Well, I lost a total of 130lbs and now I am up to 173lbs. So I guess you can say that I gained 19lbs back. I have been having pain in my belly just by my bellybutton.It would come and go,and each time it would come back, it would hurt more and burn and move alittle bit more past the bellybutton area.This has been going on now for the past 2 yrs.Everytime I would tell my surgeon,he would press my belly and say,you dont have a hernia. About 3 months ago, I was taken to the er for extreme pain.I was buckled over.They ran tests and couldnt find anything.They suggested exploratory surgery.I am so sick of the pain that I said go ahead and do it.Dr said that I had lots ,and lots of adhissions and he took some out.1 month after that, I had to have a hysterectomy.Everything removed.During the hysterectomy, my dr said that my bowels were fused to my stomach,due to the gastric bypass.He fixed them for me.This was done on 8/8/06. I was ok, till 3 days ago. Pain in the belly is back again.I have absolutely no appitite to eat at all. And if I do try to eat, I feel like im going to vomit.I still vomit when I eat pasta and breads.I dont know what to do anymore.Im so tired of the pain.It hurts and burns and im scared,because I dont know whats causing it.Dr had me on pain pills and some liquid medicine that coats the stomach,but that didnt help.Please im begging you, someone anyone out there that is going through what im going through,please get back to me a.S.A.P. Please.You can get back to me at [email protected] I need help soon.I dont know how much longer I can put up with this pain.
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/06 11:42 pm - MT
Debra, Hun I just don't know what to say to this but I would talk to your Dr again and if he can not help them maybe go see another surgeon, someone that might be able to offer some help for you! I wish I could offer more but know I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! please keep us posted! Debra P
on 10/23/06 11:47 pm - Ridge, NY
i dont knwo what else to suggest but i want to offer you (((((HUG)))))))
Beam me up Scottie
on 10/24/06 3:35 am
Debra, I'm so sorry your experiencing this...i hope that you feel better soon. Maybe it's time you get a 2nd opinion? have they done a catscan to see if you have any type of blockage? Scott
on 10/24/06 7:25 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Debra: First Adhesions are common after ANY abdominal surgery, reality is each time u open the abdominal cavity there are risks of developing more. Sometimes they cause NO issue, others they act like glue attaching to organs, abd wall, wrapping around intestines causing stricture/blockage etc. I know this al to well at 4 wk post RNY I had adhesions wrap around my small intestines causing block at my Y connection, a exploratory lap surgery found them (couldnt figure on upper GI endoscopy or GI w barium or ct scan w or w/o contrast. They were cut (lysis) and I have been ok, UNFORTUNATELY some people are real adhesion makers and they can be madeover and over, sometimes the more surgery on ehas the more they come. I read somewhere a lady had this done several times until they put mesh in she kept having the issue. Talk w. surgeon please and if not satisfied seek a second opinion! Bowel obstruction can be life threatening seek medical attention asap! ALso bread/past are commonly NOT tolerated by many, I'd say at this point a good idea would be stop attempting to eat if they exacerbateissues of pain. Be well and keep in touch! HUGS Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
on 10/24/06 10:57 pm - BUFFALO, NY
Hi everyone,as far as getting a second opinion, I did. Thats the dr that took out some adhissions.He said that I have lots of them.Ive had a few adominal surgeries in the past.The dr said he took some out not all.
Tavia V
on 10/24/06 10:09 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi, Many of us cannot tolerate pasta and bread at all, it is too much bulk for our new system to digest well. Sometimes getting a second opinion sheds some light on a situation that maybe you surgeon isnt seeing if it is a surgical problem. Good luck and I wish you nothing but the best.
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