Meetings in NYC or Northern NJ

DinNJ .
on 10/19/06 6:41 am - Denville, NJ
Hello people! I would like to know about suport group meetings in Northern NJ and in NYC. I am post op, over 8 years and I really enjoyed these meetings when I attended them pre and immediately post op. Thanks in advance! David
on 10/19/06 9:07 am - new york, NY
Wow David....8 years thats great. Have you maintained, can you share a little about yoruself? I am sorry i dont know of any support groups to recomend, i am however eventually going to start one in NYC just havent had the time to get my act together... Welcome to the NY board... We do occasionally have a support chat here in the Ny chat room , usually at around 8 30pm on Wednesdays. As the weather gets colder it will be more consistant.... LisaMarie
Purple Passion
on 10/19/06 10:07 am - Little Falls, NJ
Hi David, Here's one that is usually in Wayne. HTH Rachelle
Irene S.
on 10/20/06 1:32 pm - NJ
Hi Rachelle, Thanks for mentioning the Wayne support group meeting to David. We've recently moved meetings to our Paramus office. We are still meeting on the second Monday of each month, and as always, everyone is welcome. Irene
DinNJ .
on 10/19/06 10:21 am - Denville, NJ
Thanks for the replies, ladies. I work in the city and getting to a group near work would be ideal. if anyone knows of others, please let me know. David
on 10/19/06 10:40 pm - Long Island, NY
David, Cornell has a meeting the first Wednesday of the month. Here is the link: =2Active There are support groups at other hospitals also that might be more convenient for you. You can check their websites for details. Take care, Mary
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