Candy Control

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 11:17 pm - MT
Hello All ~hugs~ ok I was thinking about the candy that is around this year! Since I am out now 16 months I find myself eating some candy here and there, well since it is around for the next couple of weeks lets post some ways we can not eat as "much"! I know for myself I will sneak some here and there, I am not perfect nor do I want to say I can NOT have it because if I do that I will WANT it then. You know the old saying if you can NOT have something you will WANT it. My GOAL is to say I DON NOT want to eat if because I am working on keeping my health in good shape!!!! but I am not there 100% yet...... Well I will give myself the right to try some here and there but need help to control it so posting my candy goals here might help? Anyone else think it might help? Through out the day yesterday I had one of the mini bags of M&M's, knowing to only eat 2-3 at a time, they only lasted 1 1/2 days. MY GOAL: To watch what I am taking in and limit myself, I can not get upset with myself but I have to be held accountable for this! SOOOO if I have to post it here I guess it helps me remember what I had. I want to get to the point that I DO NOT WANT TO EAT THIS!!! What is your goal with the many piles of candy around this time of year?????? Debra P
on 10/12/06 2:39 am - LAKE WORTH, FL
Well I have to say that candyis not a weakness for me::: its carbs. So I havent given it much thought,although at times I feel like I want something sweet & I just wait for it to pass. I havent had anything with added sugar in 4 months ( no cake,candy,pie,cookies,ice cream,suckers,gum,puddings) I do have sugar free jell-o or pudding at times but nothing regular. When I hit this hard spot I will definaeltly share with you. Well I love you and will be here for you. You are doing great and have made such progress, do you know how many people would love to have done what you have done roni xoxoxoxox
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/06 4:08 am - MT
Roni, Yeah you are still not out that far, you are called a newbie... Once you CAN have some sweets it sure comes back as does the carbs, sometimes I can leave it along but sometimes that sweet tooth peeks back. I do crave more fruit now since the surgery which is a better sugar then the crap that is around every where now. You remember me, I was the one that could eat the M&M's by 8am with a BIG Diet Coke.. Some of those really bad habbits have stopped so I guess progress is moving forward though it feels SOOOO slow at time... love ya hun Debra P
on 10/12/06 4:31 am - LAKE WORTH, FL
I have to say I never was a sweet eater. So hopefully I dont become one. I always preferred carbs and that was a huge problem for me and most people. My friend lori who had the surgery in January is going for a cat scan right now as we speak. She has been having lower left abdominal pain and I hope its not surgery related she is a wreck. I will keep you posted. I also crave fruit but juicyy fruits like watermelom, canatloupe,oranges cold and juicy!!!! I do still have bad habits... Like eating to fast...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its so hard to learn to eat all over again. I get it stuck all the time and boy that hurts.. Well im in a mood so I will go. (pms) ahhhhhhhhh I feel bad for the family..Xoxoxox
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/06 4:33 am - MT
Roni, Yeah PMS is a killer..... (cat nails come out ) love ya Debra P
on 10/12/06 8:35 am - Ridge, NY
HEY DEB NICE POST! I am not going to have one piece of candy thru this holiday season. (regular variety) I have to be hard and strict on myself. I know even one taste or piece i will cave in. FOR me I have learned it has to be NONE! SO im not allowing myself any! GOOD LUCK!
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/06 9:51 pm - MT
Lisa, That is good to just stay away from it, I am not there yet but working on it. I want to NOT want the stuff and not tell myself I can NOT have it, seems I get myself into trouble doing that at this point. Working on eating healthy in general! Work in progress they say. Take care hun and have a great day! Debra P
looser lee
on 10/12/06 8:05 pm - kirkwood, NY
hey deb , im here and doing ok , i am having a little prob. with a slight gain of 5-8 lbs i havent changed anything so who knows but anyway how i will get away with not eating regular candy is i havent tried any i have had some sugarfree kinds but not a lot and not recently like 4 months ago i have bought so much for the treaters that hubby says i could open a candy store but the neighbers say we get over 120 140 kids so we will see but i have not tried anything with real sugar in it and i wont either i dont want to know if i can or cant that way i cant say oh just one peice cause i have no control thats how i got so fat ok hugs to all happy friday lisa
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/06 9:54 pm - MT
Lisa, Hello there. ~hugs~ yeah i think along this journey we have our ups and down for sure but as long as we watch what we are doing and do something about it I think we will "get it" someday. It takes so much time to relearn all the new ways! I know that candy is candy whether it is sugar free or not so I goal is to someday say NO to all candy, I want to NOT WANT it! Eating healthy is my goal along with the reguklar exercise. Good to hear from you hun Debra P
on 10/12/06 8:48 pm - UPSTATE, NY
Deb: Everyone has different strategies to manage these issues, and finding what works is the key! I SO AGREE... For me it is No candy EVER, is that deprivation? Suppose, but I realize each choice I make has consequences, to find out I can tolerate sugar is a choice SO FAR I am unwilling to make, I read/hear the horror stories of the fallout of that choice for many (at 1 mo, 12 mo or 3 yrs etc) the triggers, the cravings, the regain...but ala a few have found balan ce with it? We all are different preop and postop as well! I think being UP FRONT about it is ideal, w/ addictions abstinence is part of some programs, harm reduction or moderation is parts of others, no one size fits all I guess...I do not want to know I can or can not tolerate it, (dum*****t) or even on how much. For me reality is candy, cookies, cake etc were MAJOR triggers and contributors to my Morbid Obesity, I already am challenged by palin carbs (bread) enuff to know the slippery slope for me it can be. I reframe the deprivation into a choice, I make choices all the time (what to eat, to exercise or not etc). Taking the deprivation out of it like you say.I use the FEAR of MO being only in remission based on my actions as FUEL to get me thru many ruff pots! Many wont buy candy at hallooween and give away Mcds gift cert, the rubber glow in dark bracelets or quarters, gum at halloween to avoid this issue as well. Candy is part ofsociety, finding your palce with it is a jounrey and a challenge but I beleive u can find a way! HUGS Take Care, Jamie Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh 320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery) Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King "Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
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