Hi Friends
Hello everyone,
I usually post when I'm upset, and I didn't think that was a good rep, so I thought I'd just say hi to everyone, and put out a virtual pat on the back to y'all for fighting the good fight. I'm doing well. 92 pounds lost (including 30 pre op) since May 2. The weight loss is definitely slowing down to a crawl now in spite of my best efforts (and I have to say, my health behaviors have been A+ these past months--for that alone I feel great). All my friends, family, work buddies are filled with compliments and that feels terrific. I don't recognize myself in the mirror!
I'm still about 60 pounds from where I want to be and with the weight loss slowing down it's a scary prospect, but I keep reminding myself that I'm doing good and eventually the weight will come off. I have to admit I am frustrated that weight is not coming off quicker, but again: I'm doing VERY WELL, never could have done this well--without surgery. I am thrilled with that.
Anyway, hi everyone! Keep on truckin'! Let me know how you are doing.
Hugs all around,
(deactivated member)
on 10/10/06 9:59 pm - MT
on 10/10/06 9:59 pm - MT
Fighting the good fight is what we have to do for the rest of our lives and yes it can get frustrating from time to time.
As long as we are moving forward in a healthy way that is good.
We all have made some big changes and that is only the first step, I had not idea just how much work or how hard all these changes would be but it is so much for the BETTER
We will get there!!!
Yeah my weight loss slowed down a lot now so what I am doing to help is working on eating healthy (most of the time) and adding the exercise in and if I lose more weight that is great but if not then my body is where it needs to be for my healthy eating. That is so hard to get used to though since I was ALWAYS looking at the numbers (goal) and not learning for my health, if that makes sense?
Well thanks for posting hun 
Debra P

Yes Debra,
The slowing down of weight loss IS frustrating. My rate of loss actually has been about 10 lbs per month up until month 4 and then it just tapered off. I wish the numbers didn't mean so much to me.
Since yesterday, my treadmill died. I am so bumming. I walked 30 minutes daily on it. It's a very old hand me down from my dad. I'm thinking on trying to replace the motor before I think about buying a whole new machine....
Ugh! Life does present its challenges....
Hugs to you honey.
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/06 4:21 am - MT
on 10/12/06 4:21 am - MT
I know the slow down of the weight is so frustrating and know you are NOT alone with that. ~Hugs~ I am learning right now to NO****ch the numbers anymore and work on MYSELF (healthy eating and getting regular exercise) and if I lose weight from the good stuff then that is a good side effect!
My counselor is working on that with me now.....easier said then done but it is working.
I do not weigh myself every day anymore. I now weigh myself once a week. I have to admit that I have cheated with that but only 1 other time within the week.
It will get easier as the time passes.
I sure hope you get your treadmill fixed, that really stinks when you really want to walk and you can NOT! Grrrrrr
When it rains then I do not get to walk on the trail and should get my butt on my treadmill (like the last 2 days, raining here) but Mom is coming tonight and I guess my walking will wait until tomorrow.
That is ok my goal is 3x a week and I walked Mon and Tue so if Fri is the 3rd I am ok with that. Starting smaller and adding as my 3x a week become habit.
Ok sorry to ramble hun. 
Debra P

You're definitely not rambling. This is a very challanging issue...learning how to eat and move for health, and not focusing so much on the #s. We all know that increased weight makes us unhealthy, so weight loss was the goal initially, but how to we start changing the focus to changing our perspective once most of the weight comes off? I think it's great that you are cutting down on the amount you weigh yourself. I go once a day, or every other day, and that's way down from every time I peed (in the beginning there, each pee showed weight loss!)!
I guess we're so used to being scale fixated rather than changing the way in which we live to be healthier, more active, less focused on food...It took us many years to create the negative behaviors that led to weight gain, it'll take a while to make sanity a habit!
Three times a week is great for exercise. Keep it up. Your body thanks you.