Hello all I am Mickey.
WOW thank you all for the replies and the support. You guys are absolutely wonderful. I am truly excited about having the surgery.. I have been thinking about it for 2 years, but I tried dieting and excercise first to no avail. I have PCOS with hyper insulin and hyper testosterone. I still have the fat but the only thing I gain from excercise is a very high muscle mass. GRR LOL...I am completely healthy at the present time and I figured have the surgery before the fat takes over me and starts affecting my physical health. I am 24 and very active so now is the perfect time. I have been over 250 lbs since I was 13. I am just tired of it. I went from 100 lbs at age 12 to 220 230 by the time I was 13, thanks to the PCOS. Every doctor I have ever had said the bariatric surgery would help the PCOS and perhaps reverse some of the adverse affects. The cysts on my ovaries affect my entire endocrinological system. With the fat gone my body will produce fewer and fewer amounts of testosterone and my insulin level with be normal. I am just so excited and I am glad I found people who understand. Some people think we are just a group of vain individuals, but that is definately not the case. We all just want to be healthy and happy. Nothing at all wrong with that. I am doing it for my son. He is 2 years old. I want to be healthy and happy for him. Talk to you all soooon, Mic.
HI MICKEY! LISA here again!
I just wanted to tell you i am PCOS
that caused me 13 years of infertility as well.
SINCE surgery...my cycles are perfect
either 21 or 28 days which i never was in
my life without medication.
SO i can truly say the surgery has helped this.
I am also just around the corner from you on the
north shore! SO give a hollar if you want to get together
with a post op patient of dr. ahamds as i previously