Gone Too Far?

Billie *.
on 4/15/05 1:14 am - Las Vegas, NV
I hope I am not the only one that finds this to be absurd, but even if I am, I would love to hear your opinions about this: I have been reading about how Sesame Street has decided to change one of its most beloved characters: Cookie Monster. Cookie Monster will no longer be the character that many of us grew up with. He will no longer be gobbling up his favorite chocolate chip cookies. The company is taking the position that due to the obesity epidemic in children they feel it is important not to portray Cookie Monster as a gluttonous role model for children. He will no longer do the things his character is based on, like eating chocolate chip cookies. Instead they are trying to promote the consumption of "healthy cookies" on a less regular basis. And yes, they even came up with the "Sometimes Cookie Song"! Okay, my question is this: Are we not intelligent enough as human beings to know that this is just a cartoon character? And can't parents be responsible enough to teach their kids that this is simply an entertaining cartoon and not a role model or a way of life that the world is encouraging them to adopt? Tell me what you think, do you think this is something that needed to be done for the sake of our children? Or do you think this is going to far? Is it an excuse for us not to have to be responsible? Is it just some kind of publicity stunt? What do YOU think? Billie*
sheryl titone
on 4/18/05 2:37 pm - las vegas, nv
I have to agree with Sesame Street & Hollie on this. We all hate to think of something so familiar to us, changing, as it is comfortable the way it is, the way we know it to be. I know from the experience of having 3 children & 2 grandchildren, from the 1st years of Sesame Street thru the present, that Cookie does represent a 'lax in judgement' when it comes to snacking, or eating for that matter & he is a tremendous influence (as all of Sesame Street is) on the eating habits of our children. Yes, it is & should be the responsibility of the parents & adults in a child's life, to monitor what their children eat, but, the simple truth is, that this is a very hectic world these days & what better or quicker way to pacify a whiney, crying child or a hungry but its not dinner time yet child, than with a cookie? I never knew it was just as easy to grab a carrot stick from the fridge as it was to grab a cookie from the cabinet. My children wouldnt have accepted it anyway, because "Cookie Monster is eating a cookie! I want one too!!' I can't help but think that had he been eating a piece of broccoli or a piece of fruit, my eldest son might not be battling a weight problem all his life. Sesame Street characters are not 'just' cartoon figures. They are very real to children who are at an age where they dont know reality from fantasy yet. They all serve a purpose & that purpose is to teach our children about different aspects of life. In my humble opinion, they do a damn good job of it & I hope they stay in existence for generations to come. I dont think this is a publicity stunt & if it is, well, it sure is a smart one! Are they going too far? Not as far as I am concerned. Not only are they teaching children...they also teach parents. I learned many things (in an adult perspective) watching the shows with my kids. In fact, my 3 kids, ages 31, 30 & 22 still watch it! Many times, I have said to my children & now my daughter will say to her children...'I don't think Big Bird would do that. It's not nice' etc. Sesame Street & characters are held up to children as the prime example of what good, bad, acceptable & unacceptable behavior is. Look at it this way, if it will make you feel better about the change in Cookie...'he is maturing with age' lol. Sheryl
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