
Stephanie G.
on 1/30/04 11:33 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Has anyone experienced soreness in their stomach weeks after their surgery? I'm five weeks out and went back to work a week ago. I have primarily a desk job and have noticed that my stomach is very sore where I had my surgery. Not on the outside where my incisions are, but inside, like I've been doing hundreds of crunches. I contacted my surgeon about it, and he doesn't know what to make of it. I'm thinking it's from all the sitting I do at my job, but I'm not sure. I also notice that sometimes if I bend a certain way, I feel like inside I can feel "hardness," almost like I can feel the staples around my new pouch. Has anyone had the same experience? Does it go away? Any comments would be appreciated.
Tonya C.
on 2/28/04 3:04 am - Flint, MI
I've not had the surgery yet but it may be scar tissue, I would get a second opinion
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