Surgery was July 14th

on 7/19/11 4:55 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hello Everyone,
 I had a Lapband last Thursday by Dr. Teng at Mountain View. I got home Friday after a long and painfull night. Dr. Teng was so great I love him. He talked to me before surgery, explained everything again, the risks, the outcome, how I will feel all that. Thn whenI was awake he came back in and for the life of me I could not remember much of what he said. I was gald it was over.

So they put me in  my room, I had a very, nice, helpful, gentle, understanding, sweetheart of a nurse, Danyl. He is the best nurse EVER. If you get him you are in luck. He made it seem as though I was the only patient in that hospital. And I know I wasn't, he had at least six other patients he was handling. It was just the way he treated me, I felt like he really cared that I was hurting, or uncomfortable or I just needed some reassuring. You couldn't have asked for anyone better to take care of you. Ok, Danyl you are #1.

When he went off shift it was a different story altogether. The replacement nurse was nice, sweet, and gentle. But, when I was calling for pain meds and it took her over two hours to get me something, and then get a little curt with me because my oxygen levels were dropping and I am crying because of the PAIN, then she was not exactly my favorite person at that moment. Don't get me wrong I never yelled at her, never crossed her, I just wanted something two hours earlier before the PAIN got any worse and beleive it did. AHH, but when she gave it too me all was fine with the world again. The next time I called for meds she only took a few mins.

Next day Tina, Dr. Teng's  nurse, little sweetheart that she is, brought in a dozen red roses from Dr. Teng. Now wasn't that nice?  So later in the day, Dr. Teng came in and explined what happened in surgery again. He said he almost aborted the surgery twice. The first doctor (butcher) from 1982 had casued so much damage and scar tissue that Dr. Teng wasnt sure of he could finish,but he did.Thank God. This would probably explain the PAIN I was in. I say PAIN in capital letters, because until today, I was still in PAIN.

I go see Dr. Teng tomorrow. I hope he says I'm ok. I've done everything I am suppoe to do. Just waiting to feel better and not so winded and tired so I can enjoy myself an dget out some. But it hasn't been a week yet so I'm not pushing it.

To all my friends on OH, thank you so much for your kind words and support.  It means alot that there are so many people out there just like me, whocna give me advice and in return I can give advice to the newbies. Everyday is a Blessing.

on 7/25/11 1:35 am - Las Vegas, NV
 I personally Thank God every day for Dr. Teng.






on 7/25/11 2:59 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi Barb,
Tonight is a support group I'm still going are you?  Need a ride? Call me ok.

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