Need WSL support group in Clark county, Henderson

on 11/10/10 2:41 am - NV
I am having my surg in Los Angeles, but i live in NV.  Just wondering if there are any groups in  henderson for people who are having WLS or had WLS  Please let me know

on 11/21/10 5:47 am - North Las Vegas, NV
Dr. Teng had a suport group every month you may want to contact his office and see if there is any way that you can join his.

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on 1/15/11 8:36 am - NY
RNY on 01/13/09 with
 I am new to vegas and also looking for a support group.. any advice would be appreciated.

Good luck on your surgery!! It is SOOO worth it!!

on 1/15/11 8:41 am - NV
Surgery went well I am almost 2 mo out I am doing well. Still can not find a group here- WHich totally sucks so I rely on this site a lot ! 

If you find anything let me know !

on 1/16/11 8:33 pm - Las Vegas, NV
JDUB...I am a patient of Dr. Teng's. I also live in Henderson. His support meetings are on the last Monday of every month. Now I HATE driving way across town at night. I actually go(when I'm not working and can attend) to Dr. Bernie Hanna's meetings. His meetings are every other month on Saturdays. Call Dr. Hanna's office and find out when the next meeting is...I know it would be fine for you to go to his meetings. If an evening meeting works better for Dr. Teng's office and speak with Tina.






on 1/16/11 11:45 pm - NV
Thanks, Barbccrn.

I just think its ridiculous for a meeting to be once a month.  I belive one of those Dr.s wanted to charge me to come to a meeting.  I will call again.

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