Vegas Walk from Obesity 9/26/09
The Vegas Walk from Obesity is less than 3 weeks away. I'm hoping that a lot of people are planning to register on site because there are not many signed up as yet.
You can save $5 by preregistering. Here is the site link again: nt=316430&lis=1&kntae316430=983012252F524E36A7BEA1A93E89F4B1
The Walk is for a great cause. Let's help make it a big success! Looking forward to meeting new local friends.
You can save $5 by preregistering. Here is the site link again: nt=316430&lis=1&kntae316430=983012252F524E36A7BEA1A93E89F4B1
The Walk is for a great cause. Let's help make it a big success! Looking forward to meeting new local friends.