Northern Nevada Daily Doctor HELP PLEASE!!!

on 2/12/08 2:40 am
Hello everyone, I havent been on this site since my first attempt to WLS, and miss it alot. I am now on the road to attempting again, and trying to stay hopeful. What I really need at this point is some names of family doctors/ Internal medicine, anyone who I can see for my main doctor that SUPPORTS or at least UNDERSTANDS WLS and simply being super morbidly obese. I have a few specialist that are so incrediable to me and understand alot about being my size, but my family doctor has been attacking me since day one and I have witnesses to prove I am not crazy. I do not know why she doesnt like me, but honestly things that are not even related to the WLS but related to being so obese she waves and smirks at. Something as simple as knee/hip pain she insists I either do not have or its not related to my weight. We fought back and forth for months on why my left hip and buttocks and back hurt so much and she kept putting off sending me to a specialist. FINALLY when she had no more reasons, I discovered I had a major disc herniation and had to have surgery shortly after for I became bedridden. She would never admit to being wrong and trying to help in other areas either, she instead cancels appointments with me and now is coming up for other reasons not to treat me. Its very frusterating to say the least. So I need to find a doctor that at least understands obesity can harm you in different ways than thin people can understand. A plus is someone who supports WLS. I already picked out my surgeon, he is great. How backwards is that? Thanks for anyones help. I live anywhere near carson city, reno, fernley, fallon areas. And in between.
on 2/21/08 6:17 am - reno, NV
hI THERE, I have had that kind of predjudice too....bad knees & hips, and the "specialist " I was sent to won't touch me until I lose weight. Anyhow, my family doc is very nice and has supported me in WLS sine day one. His name is DR. Jay Chamberlain, and is in Sparks. You can find his number in the phone book. Good luck!!
Sheesh S.
on 5/5/08 7:39 am
Revision on 07/07/14
hey I go to Johnson! (in the same group, they always put my perscriptions from dr chamberlin) I really Love all the drs in that group, I perfer starley though      

on 3/2/08 11:41 am

Hello, Dr. Elliott with Carson Medical Group has been my primary for almost 5 years and has been very supportive of my decision. If you are interested the office number is 775-882-1324. Good Luck!

on 4/10/08 10:54 am - CarsonCity , NV
I had the same problem.  My GP would not support my desire to have the surgery.  Instead she would rather treat me for all the symptoms of the disease. When I was finally diagnosed with sleep apnea and have to wear a mask to bed I decided to change doctors.  I now go to Dr. Anthony Zimmerman in Dayton.  He is extremely supportive and is even willing to jump through all the hoops that the Insurance company puts us through.  You will be happy once you make the change ... Good Luck. 
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