Another new and anxious ....

on 11/27/07 11:30 am - Henderson, NV
  Hi everyone, I am so looking forward to spending alot of time here... for motivation and Q/A. You ladies seem so helpful to each other maybe you could help me a bit in deciding which surgery is best for me?? For long term?? My surgery date is a ways off NEXT Sept, but I really need to resolve myself to A surgery type.   Anything that you can offer would be great.
Vegas_ T.
on 11/28/07 4:55 am - Las Vegas, NV
RNY on 09/03/03 with
Hi and welcome!!!   Choosing your surgery type is such a personal decision.  Has your doctor discussed the pro's and con's of each?  Unfortunately when I had surgery all I had available was the RNY but it is actually what I needed. I would definately voice your concerns with the doc and ask for info on everything available.   September will be here before you know it!!!!

   IMG_4593-1.jpg image by taralynn21475          IMG_8653-1.jpg image by taralynn21475     


on 11/28/07 8:14 am - NV
The best thing to do is discuss it with your primary care doctor and your perspective surgeon.  There are certain conditions/cir****tances that will effect which surgery will work best for you. You will also have to make the necessary considerations regarding your insurance.  Some companies will only pay for particular types of surgery.  If you are self-pay or don't get full benefit coverage, you may elect to go with lap-band which is much less expensive than the RNY. A few things to keep in mind: -The rate of weight loss with Lap Band is slower, but more consistent than the RNY:  This could partially effect the amount of loose skin you will have afterwards -Some people prefer not to have a foreign object in them and therefore elect to have RNY -Rate and amount of absorption are effected more with RNY than with the Band:  This is especially important if you have severe vitamin/mineral deficiencies pre-op.  It will mean taking additional vitamins (possibly injections) long-term. -Consider the total amount of weight you need to lose.  Lap-band is ideal for those with less weight to lose, or for those who want a slower more consistent loss.  RNY is better suited to those with greater amounts of weight to lose. -Lap-band will require getting fills, and finding the right "fit" *All surgeries can have side effects/complications so weigh your options carefully, and be sure to ask lots of questions. I would also suggest checking out the Surgery Type Forums on this site to get information from a variety of post-ops. There are several things to consider, but Tara is right about it being a very personal decision.  Take your time and think it through.  Discuss it with your doctors, and come here to share your thoughts, feelings, fears, anxieties and questions. Best of Luck
Amanda G.
on 11/29/07 11:05 am - Eagle Mountain, UT
DS on 04/14/17
Welcome!  Man it has to be frustrating with the long wait, but it will be here before you know it.  (At least that is what I am telling myself as the earliest I will have mine is next June)  I have only been on for 3 or 4 days now but everyone here has been so sweet and helpful.  I don't have any family in the area so getting some support is a big deal for me.  Good luck and stick to it.  Now I won't be the only one waiting forever.  We should stay in touch and update eachother with our progress so can limit the "surprises" that come our way!
on 12/4/07 12:12 pm - Henderson, NV
 Hi there! Absolutely, I would love to keep in touch regularly. I have so many appt's scheduled this month (one this morning with a Physical Therapist) alone.. three more before the 18th!! Why so many when my surgery is sooo far out?? (Aug/Sept)  I'm worried I'll get everything done and will be sitting around for months with nothing going on. LOL  Anyway.. I am soo excited as you must be to feel better and for gosh sake where a swimsuit w/out feeling like everyone is staring- and not in the good way!!!  Have you gone to any appt.s yet??? Tracie
Amanda G.
on 12/4/07 5:28 pm - Eagle Mountain, UT
DS on 04/14/17

I have had an appointment with my internist to start my six month diet on 11/30.  I will follow up with him on the 14th of this month with my food journal and we will start a program from there.  I have not had any appointments with a nutritionalist or anyone from the surgeons office yet.  Infact, I am not too pleased with them as I have left numerous messages and haven't even gotten a call back from them.  They said that they would call the week following the seminar.  I went on Nov 10 and here it is 12/5 and still no call.  I will call to harrass them again in the morning!  My avatar photo is from my daughters first swim lesson.  I have loved the water from the moment I had my first bath.  The looks are uncomfortable, but I think the only way my weight would keep me out of the pool is if I were too big to fit through my front door.  It's hard when you live in a condo and share a pool with the neighborhood, but hey, if I am paying the absurdly high association fees to keep it maintained, I sure as hell am gonna use it!  So, even if you are sick of the looks and snickers behind your back, enjoy yourself anyway!!

on 12/9/07 11:36 pm - Henderson, NV
  You know don't let them frustrate you, they didn't call me back right away either. And it is the holiday season I'm sure several in the office have been taking vacations.. etc. Although I do indeed understand the frustration.. I have such a long time to wait!!! I also absolutely love the pool/water, thank God my best friend owns her own pool and she is in the same weight category as myself!! (by the way how do you get the Tracker on your blogs....???  I found the site I just don't seem to be able to attach it .)    I have my appt. with the nutritionist tomorrow, man until I started keeping track of my food/drink intake I didn't know how bad it was!! I'm looking forward to having a 'plan'.  Also did you say you were going to have the Lap Band? I have been wavering a little in which procedure... but $$ and time off are an issue. Have a great day.
on 12/11/07 1:11 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Maleficent, that is such a beautiful photo of you and your daughter. I am very impressed with your attitude about using the pool. It is sad when people who love to swim and love the water stop doing it because of how they feel about their body.  Good for you. I am going to show your email to some members of my weight management group for inspiration. Good luck with your journey!

Dr. Lindsey Ricciardi is a licensed clinical psychologist and member of OH's Mental Health Advisory Board. By posting, she makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein. This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind. No informational post can take the place of seeking professional help. If you need professional help, seek professional services or dial 911. For more info on Dr. Lindsey visit

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