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A in NS
on 1/2/11 10:12 am
Topic: I'm writing a song & need your help...
The title is "50 Ways To Leave Your Blubber"!!  lol

1.  snip out the back fat
2.  Say no to flan, Stan
3.  Switch over to Soy, Roy

Your turn!!!  lol 

Original lyrics are here: -lover-lyrics-paul-simon/ec7bdc207c7395d04825698a001079b4
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/2/11 8:25 am
Topic: Getting back on track Post Holidays
I haven't been on here for quite some time and realized once I got back on how helpful it really is!!!

I was doing really well with the weight loss on my own until Christmas!  I even got through staff parties and get togethers in December but once Christmas Day hit so did the cravings for cookies  I kind of felt like the cookie monster for about a week.  Not to mention all of the other goodies that go with the holidays.  

So I have put on about 6 pounds since Dec 22, but as of today, I am going to TRY
really hard to get back on track.  I also have been neglectful of the exercise part of all this too so need to get back to walking at least! 

Well I hope that everyone has a Happy New Year and continued success for weight loss in 2011!

I am really hoping to hear from someone in the near future to get things rolling......I'm trying to be patient and not think about it too much.  I wasn't expecting to hear from anyone until the new year but it seems to be on my mind more lately.  I'll just keep on trying and waiting until then.......


on 1/2/11 8:16 am
Topic: RE: When Your Mouth Sez: YES!! But Your Tummy Sez: Nuh Uh!!
Congratulations on the surgery and the weight loss!!!! Way to go

I find it very interesting to read your comments....very informative for someone who is looking forward to having the surgery.  It is hard to imagine that I will ever feel full with a couple of spoonfuls of anything.  It's also nice to hear that everyone seems to have the same experience.

Keep up the good work!

A in NS
on 1/1/11 7:31 pm
Topic: RE: so how was
2 weeks in Florida - I'm so jealous!!  I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think!!  Freaking carb monster - we should all get together and kill the *(#&(*#*!!!  lol  Welcome home!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 1/1/11 5:46 am - Canada
Topic: RE: so how was
Well I am back from 2 weeks in Florida and I dread getting on the scale tomorrow. The carb monster emerged with a vengence. Well all I can do is get back on program.
Weight lost since surgery
on 12/30/10 3:48 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Topic: RE: so how was
I am so glad everyone had a good Christmas. Yes I was bad too but not too much. Saw my doc today and he said if I don't hear from the hematologist by next Friday to let him know and he will call him hiself and see what he can do to get me in quicker. I am stuck now until they get me in to see him.
So anyone have plans for new years eve? I will be helping our with the roast beef dinner for the party goers at our legion. and than going home to rest.
Happy New Year everyone.
A in NS
on 12/29/10 9:19 am
Topic: RE: so how was
Christmas was great!! 

BUT I did get a little off track - my father-in-law is visiting for 3 weeks & he always has cookies in the house -- I did have a little bite of almost every dessert on the go at Christmas dinner at my sister's house (thankfully no leftovers in my house!) and then, of course, I craved more and more - the carb monster is starting to get off my back finally - and I've had a lot of head hunger - plus now I have a cold & I'm miserable and haven't exercised for the past 2 days...  Hmmm, this is starting to sound like a downer!!!  lol  Anyway, I haven't lost much of anything - sitting at 191.2 - but I haven't gained either so once this cold is out of my system (I'm on day 2 of suffering!) I can get back to the gym & back on track... 

Why can't they figure out a way to remove food cravings from the brain??  lol

On a positive note - I am down 108 lbs from this time last year - so that's a blessing I'll count a few times!!

It will be your turn soon - you did sit on Santa's knee and tell him what you wanted didn't you??  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
(deactivated member)
on 12/29/10 9:13 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Pre-op NSV!!!!!
Good work!!!  Feels great doesn't it!!
A in NS
on 12/29/10 9:07 am
Topic: RE: Pre-op NSV!!!!!
That's great!  I was so happy when I could wear my rings again - but I only got to wear them for a couple of months!  I got a new ring from Walmart for Christmas this year (from my 3 year old ) which is perfect to get me through until I am at goal & can get my rings sized (stirling silver - size 8 - $20).  That's so awesome - I love reading other people's NSVs so I will be sure not to miss any if/when they happen for me!  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/29/10 8:50 am - Canada
Topic: Pre-op NSV!!!!!
I had my first pre op NSV the other day. I went to my boyfriends parents house for a few days to spend some holiday time with them. Well before i went i got all *prettied* up and decided to wear my rings. I havent wore my rings since i lost the 35lbs. Well when i put the one ring on it slide off! I couldnt believe the ring at one time was a bit tight now doesnt fit me anymore. Of course thats a little bit of a bittersweet NSV!

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
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