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A in NS
on 1/3/11 5:06 am
Topic: RE: Post Holiday/Back to Work
It sucks when people choose to be a pain in the a**!!  I don't know why people can't just live & let live without making extra work and temptation for others - my sister gave us cookies for Christmas - COOKIES!!!  C'mon!!!  Oh well - it is what it is - and look at it this way - it's over for another year  :))

Wow - 54 lbs - that's awesome!!  I have been playing with the same 2 lbs for the last couple of weeks - between 189 & 191 - I guess it's time to kick it up a notch....  My motivation seems to have left me for the holidays - hopefully it will come back tomorrow!!! 

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/3/11 3:29 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Post Holiday/Back to Work
It sounds like your mother and sister are dealing with some jealousy issues! Keep thinking positive and keep only postive people around you. All that negative energy is bad for you. Once you get back to work for a couple of days you will feel better! Get used to all the compliments!!

Happy New year D and the best is yet to come!
Debbie T.
on 1/2/11 11:02 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Post Holiday/Back to Work
It can be so hard when we get mixed messages from family members. Congrats for your loss over the holiday season. I did not reallyt lose any but did not gain either while on two weeks of vacation in Florida.  JUst remember where you will be next year this time. Keep on trucking Dani.
Weight lost since surgery
on 1/2/11 10:45 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: Getting back on track Post Holidays
Well ... the biggest thing I have to learn is that this is a life time commitment and life ... happens. You can't beat yourself up - just keep heading in the right direction.

Best of luck, Sus! Happy New Year!
on 1/2/11 10:41 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: Pre-op NSV!!!!!
Yeah ... my wedding set slides off my hand now. I love that!
on 1/2/11 10:39 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: Post Holiday/Back to Work
Christmas was pretty good.

My family was here and, much to my dismay, were less than supportive of my new lifestyle. I found it very upsetting. I did okay until boxing day and then I 'lost my ****' all over the place. Thankfully, it was only my super hero husband that witnessed it (so I didn't make an ass outta myself in front of the rest of them) ... then I locked myself in the bathroom (bath tub) and cried for an hour and a half.

Honestly, I am so disappointed in them. I'm talking my mother and two sisters - that should bloody know better. They were shoveling food into themselves so fast I thought they might choke ... I woke up boxing day morning to my dining table covered in chocolate wrappers and my good martini glasses used as candy dishes ... argh! (and who do you think got to clean all of that up?) I think the worst thing was that if they saw me put ANYTHING in my mouth, they were all over me about it... and I'm talking ANYTHING. I put cranberry juice on ice in a pretty glass so I didn't feel so left out and all three of them stopped me and insisted on smelling my glass.

They're lucky I didn't pound them into dust.

The worst thing I did was have two pieces of bacon with breakfast and I had a glass of wine before Christmas dinner (but in my defense it was so I wouldn't strangle my little sister for being a selfish little sookie baby).

Time with my family in close quarters REQUIRES the addition of a little alcohol.

Otherwise, all is well ... didn't gain and I'm down another 4 pounds! Back to work tomorrow after 7 weeks off - NOT looking forward to that. I am 54 lbs lighter than I was when I left ... I doubt my boss will notice, as it does not involve him ... I wonder if anyone else will? I know I am certainly looking forward to a pay cheque! I STILL have not received a dime from EI ... that system SUCKS!

My best friend came on New Year's Eve day and nearly fell over, she was so shocked at how much I had changed (She hadn't seen me since the day after my surgery when she visited the hospital). She's really the first person that hadn't seen me in a while - so it was really nice to have such a reaction out of her.

I plan to try and get some photos up at some point ... my camera had been broken, so I didn't get pre surgery pics, but I think I have a few fatties around that I can find to post as before's.

I know my size 20 jeans are already looking pretty loose - that makes me giddy.

Happy New Year to all of you - may 2011 bring health and happiness to you all ... my sisters from other mothers!

on 1/2/11 10:25 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: so how was
Christmas was good. My family was here and much to my dismay were less than supportive of my new lifestyle.

Otherwise, all is well ... didn't gain and I'm down another 4 pounds! Back to work tomorrow after 7 weeks off - NOT looking forward to that.

Best of luck to you.

on 1/2/11 10:09 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: Thyroid
I know that minutes feel like hours and days feel like weeks before the surgery ... I would have lost my mind if I had been post poned ... but you need to be healthy to have this procedure - the surgery isn't a small thing (I made the mistake of thinking that beforehand).

I sincerely hope things work out for you.
on 1/2/11 10:04 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: yay
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Best of luck to you.
A in NS
on 1/2/11 10:22 am
Topic: RE: Getting back on track Post Holidays
Hey Sus, 

I agree this site helps me stay on track and concentrate on what I'm supposed to be doing...  I find if I get off track that tracking my daily food intake on this site (under tools and nutrition tracker) really helps me get a grip and get back with the program.  I find it so funny that when the 'team' at the wls clinic asked me to do this I thought it was a complete waste of time - and I still thought it was a complete waste of time right up until the time I had surgery...  After surgery I was in a stall and couldn't seem to get out of it, so one day I came on here and tracked my food intake & soon I wanted to do it - but for me - for my eyes only - not so someone could look at it and analyze all of my shortcomings!  Anyway, I got a bit off track over the holidays too and I am going to start tracking my intake again & get the heck back to the gym!!  

Don't beat yourself up, just get up & dust yourself off & go from here - that's what I'm trying to do!   :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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