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Monthly meeting with Guest Speaker:
Lindsay Fredericks
Topic: Healthy food choices for weight loss - Bariatric surgery specific.
**Regular meeting time 7-9pm, Dietitian will do presentation 7-8pm.
~All Members are WELCOME!~
Our meetings are having great turnouts covering a variety of topics. We have a fantastic group who are comfortable sharing their own experiences & advice or just listening without judgment. We are looking forward to having guest speakers join us at upcoming meetings soon.
Hope to see you all at the next meeting!
I just keep this fresh in my mind to their ignorance and tell myself this person "is in denial of their own behavior and is trying to beat me down to make theirselves feel better". ...It's just like the forever repeated and old line, "surgery is the EASY way out"!!
Best solution is to smile and say, "I'm doing what is best for my body & health" and continue with what you need to do. Do not cave in to their bad addict's best friend is another addict. And enablers are the worst!
Happy New Year to you as well and enjoy your journey in 2011!!!
Cruise Away From Obesity and Create Your Destiny!/event.php?eid=153692234666982
This was on Dr. Oz today - looked like it might be worth trying out! Here is the explination from Dr Oz's website:
Eat Less. Move More. Lose Weight. Feel Great.
Dr. Oz, Sharecare and Nike are joining together to provide you with the tools you need to succeed in a complete nutrition, exercise and coaching program created specifically for you to meet your goals, lose the weight and keep it off.
Our unique interactive platform, you will stay connected every day for the entire 11 weeks with an elite training team of fitness and nutrition experts. They will answer your questions and keep you motivated along the way. We will track your progress, and keep track of your day-to-day data so that you can focus on beating the challenge.
This amazing program gives you all the tools you need to lose weight and feel great. Plus, there will be surprises, giveaways and special rewards for those who stick with it!
I am lucky and have a supportive family most of the time. I come from a family of overweight folks. They are very supportive of my weight loss but not so sure about the surgery....but oh well, I will do what I will do for myself, not for anyone else.
Congratulations on the weight loss, 54 lbs is amazing and to keep losing through the holidays is huge in my eyes.
I cannot believe that ANYONE would give you cookies for Christmas!! That is just wrong, but it takes all kinds!
Happy New Year to everyone and all the best for 2011
Happy New Year to you too!