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Topic: stupid people!
this may sound crazy but im starting to hate going out...i should love the ompliments but i dont... u look great whod u do it...if u tell them...they ask a million questions....if u lie u feel guilty.... for lying....then u have the...omg i didnt recognize u..sorry.... well ive never had a big face....were they all just looking at my ..... sounds selfish but just have to vent..see if anyone else has had this prob? thanks again guys u r the best! hollaa
Topic: Any 45+ people out there?
Just wondering if there is anyone over 45 waiting or have had the surgery? Most posts are from youger people and ui"m starting to feel over the hill lol
Topic: RE: Six Months Out Today!
Thanks guys! I only told my sisters, my mother, my husband and a couple of close friends - and you guys, of course! :)
Topic: RE: Six Months Out Today!
That's wonderful Angie! You'll be a bathing beauty this summer!!
Did you tell people at work about your surgery? Do you have lots of support?
Topic: RE: here i a here i
Congrats on your surgery Ginny! Glad you're on the mend and you have a great support system with your boyfriend and family! It makes all the difference in the world.