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on 1/18/11 12:54 pm - Sydney Mines, Canada
Topic: RE: Sugery soon??

While we were at the first meeting with the 50 people they told us that we would not be hearing from them for at least 6 months. But within that 6 months we got a big survey that we had to fill out and send back to them. We got them around May. I met with the "TEAM" on Oct. 13th. I got approved by them than.Than the 28th I met with Dr. Ellsmere. And a date was set for Dec. 7th. So from the first letter that I got in Jan. 2010 to my surgery date of Dec. 2010 took almost a year.

on 1/18/11 10:08 am - Riverview, Canada
Topic: RE: Sugery soon??
 Hey there, yeah I was just talking to the secretary today and she said that they have been busy everyday with surgeries since after Christmas break.  She seems to think that they will be done all those who attended the last session in August 2010 soon.  Therefore she is foreseeing that by February or March they will begin tabulating a new list (in order of need of course).  Then those people (around 50-60) will be invited to attend a day long conference before May 2011.  Then within 6 months from that conference, a surgery date (if elected for you) will be scheduled.  

This is my understanding as of today.  
Hope this helps. 
on 1/18/11 8:31 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Sugery soon??
I guess I misunderstood you when you said March I thought you meant this March. There doesn't seem to be much activity on the NS forum. Do you know if they do the surgery every week?
A in NS
on 1/18/11 7:58 am
Topic: RE: Any 45+ people out there?
Really?  I thought you were in your 30's at the most!!  I guess I wouldn't make a good witness for police!  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/18/11 3:59 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Topic: RE: Sugery soon??

Is there a new session in March? I went to the Mar. 1st. 2010 one last year. I don't know if there is one this year though. I think the only way we find out is when we get the letter. My surgery is postponed til mar. or April because of my loss of blood that I had transfussions for. They have to make sure it is nothing serious. And than I will get in right away. I can't wait to get it done.

on 1/17/11 11:15 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: stupid people!
As most of you know, my choice was to not keep it a secret.  So I've always given the explanation upfront, and that shuts them up or opens the door for all the questions of "what's it like", "think I can have it done"......sometimes it's like I'm the WLS spokesperson.  LOL

I respect everyone's decisions to keep it personal or tell the whole world, we're all different when it comes to revealing our personal lives.  For me, it's always helped keep me accountable!!!!!

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 1/17/11 11:09 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Any 45+ people out there?
I'll be 42 in February. 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 1/17/11 11:03 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: My new weight loss secret weapon...
Hope you're feeling better Angie!!    Those stomach bugs scare the bejeezes out of me!!  Anyone who had stomach staples like myself is in danger with intense vomiting, it  can cause some serious damage.  The other part I can handle....not pleasant, but at least safer.  
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back into my bubble shelter!!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 7:55 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Anyone had a stricture after surgery that needed dilation?
I honestly don't know what you mean.  What is a stricture?
on 1/17/11 9:54 am - Canada
Topic: Sugery soon??
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone has their surgery coming up soon or has anyone got their letter for info session in March??
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