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Due to my VBG and spending the last 20 yrs of my life with a pouch, I developed a phobia of vomiting. I'm talking about like when you get the stomach virus or food poisoning.
I've spent many years purging when food got stuck, but I was in control and only would bring up what was stuck--no nausea, very simple to live with. But with the virus, it's different. Actually it's horrible!!! When I would get sick, it was very painful, and like vomiting through a straw. This would also prolong the illness and I would get sick every 10 minutes for hours at a time. (I guess until the whole stomach was empty).
Well now the rotten stomach virus is going around and even though my family knows how I need to prevent myself from getting infected, my son let down his guard and caught it. He was sick all last night. I'm am a nervous wreck and am in full panic mode here worrying I might be next. Of course I'm doing all I can cleaning with bleach and washing my hands, etc.
The last time I vomited my staples let go, I don't know if it was all of them (Dr. M believes I still have some restriction), but it was BAD!!! Extremely painful, and the unknown with a stomach virus right now is downright frightful!!

So my question to all you lovely lucky sleevers is this...
Has anyone with a sleeve caught the stomach virus? If so, how bad does it get? I'm not afraid of vomiting. If it's as simple as just emptying the little stomach you have left, I can deal with that. I guess I just want to know if you get extremely ill, or is it easier once sleeved.
I just can't wait until May 12 to get rid of this rotten hateful band and stapled pouch!!!!!
**Sorry this was so graphic, but I had no other way to explain it without getting into detail.

I was told that after WLS you become VERY fertile!! When you begin losing fat the hormones within it are released as well. You can also become very moody lol!
Good luck with everything!
The carnation brfsts regular were my staple food when i was on liq's and i did fine with them. They often go on sale so keep yours eyes peeled.
How did the CPAP machine work out from the sleep clinic?

My advice would be to stick to the outline you have been given to a T! You do not want to create any unnecessary pain or discomfort for yourself. Take things slow and follow the program and take full advantage of this time. One day u will be wishing you could go back to liq's and lose weight again!!
You also do not want to create a leak in your tummy. This would mean resorting to a feeding tube for six weeks!!
Take it one step at a time and you will do great.
I never bought any fancy pro drinks, i kind of made my own. I used either carnation instant brfsts or slim fast and added skim milk powder and milk to up the worked out well for me!
I printed up the material from the link, including the doctor referral and have I it ready for my dr appointment on Weds.
On another level I feel rather silly. After reading in this forum that some people have hundreds of pounds to lose and that their health is so much worse than mine, I kind of feel like a pretender.
I have made a commitment to change the way I eat recently and some of it was based on the post surgery diet. :P So maybe things will change for me on my own.
While I am holding on to that hope, I will go ahead with the dr and see what she says.
Thank you for the reality check.
I'm wondering how hard it is to stick to the diet of liquids before and after the surgery. That is one of the things that is making me hesitant to go through the surgery. I'm afraid I don't have what it takes for that.
It scares me to go through all that and be unable to follow the diet stages. :P